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Question 1: by Hannes Wich Feb 21, 2024
is there a problem with my oder ? Because the status is "pending".
kindest regards
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 21, 2024
there is no problem, the package will be sent out today, we will update the tracking number at tomorrow. because the agent just get back to work from the Chinese Spring Festival today.
Question 2: by Abd Mar 1, 2024
I have an issue with my 2019 Ford exception, specifically regarding OBD tools for mileage correction. Which machine would be suitable for this?
Question 3: by mike dan Mar 2, 2024
The invoice total is $94.80 I paid with PayPal and you charged me $99.54 , if there is any extra fees you should tell me in advance and let me decide if I want to pay this way or a different way and not finding out after paying that the amount is higher, I would appreciate getting back the difference, Thank you
Question 4: by Larry royston Mar 3, 2024
Order CO24022411713
Question 5: by Hans Frisch Mar 20, 2024
Licence is out of date. i need a new licence for my porsche piwis pt3g VCI please help me!!!
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Mar 20, 2024
let me check that, I will reply you at tomorrow
Question 6: by Lim Jun 28, 2024
I installed a vcds and my computer was infected with ransomware which blocked all my files, how do I solve it?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jul 24, 2024
hi, please use the latest version viiplusloader. before that uninstall and delete all the old files viiplusloader.
Question 7: by David Marjanovic Jul 22, 2024
Ciao ho bisogno che mi arriviate il software
Ho comprato la presa obd
Numero ordine
Question 8: by Hannes Wich Feb 20, 2024
is there a problem with my order CO24021611684 ?
Becaus the status is pending ?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 21, 2024
we will update the tracking number today, donot worry, everything is fine.
Question 9: by Grant Brennan Apr 9, 2024
Hello we have customer with 2012 VW Beetle and need Immo off solution or tool for ECU
ECU is Simos 10.12a. - do have VW part number if you wish 03F 906 070CM
Question 10: by Mr. anton zh Apr 17, 2024
hello. the shipping service dhl needs the receipt of purchase in order to process my order. please send me the receipt of purchase because dhl is telling me that they will send my purchase back to you
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 25, 2024
hi, we have sent all the files to you by email, please check your email inbox. and send the files to dhl to clear the customs assp.
Question 11: by Maz Aug 1, 2024
Hi Dear,
Best regards,
I would like to know, do you have
you may reply me to
Thank you
Question 12: by Tony Jacobs Feb 18, 2024
I have installed the VII0Plus loader - 08.023.11-FULL Installer Download. The program loads and OPTIONS checks out okay, then the folowwing screan says it cannot see the HEX-V2 cable. I'm running the software on a Toshiba laptop utilizing Windows 10. The computer BIOS is - Legacy. I did not check the legacy box when loading.
Utilizing order# CO24021511679
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 21, 2024
download the install the latest version viiplusloader, before the installation, disable the secure boot of the system ,and disable the windows defence. anti virus software,
install the vcds and viipluadloader as administrator.
Question 13: by Greg Schmidt May 6, 2024
I need to purchase the two cables that go to the Piwis Tester 2 Interface. I need the cable that plugs into the laptop and also the OBD cable that plugs into the car. Do you sell these two cables please?
Question 14: by Mr. Sven Haensel Jun 10, 2024
Where have my orders gone?
CO2405211337 vom 26.05.2024
CO2404241321 vom 25.04.2024
CO2201042125 vom 14.02.2023
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 22, 2024
the other order in our german site.
you can login and check that.
Question 15: by Kayhan Cinar Jul 4, 2024
Hi, please send test brand ("EOBD") and firmware ("Configure" folder)
Question 16: by Mohammed Amin Al Hamdu Jul 8, 2024
i ordered this but nothing showin up in my orders
Transaction ID
Transaction date
8 July 2024
Reply #1 by Mohammed Amin Al Hamdu Jul 11, 2024
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Jul 24, 2024
hi, you can download the software from this link
enter your order serial number: CO24070812065
Question 17: by David Hughes Jul 8, 2024
Do you have any Tech2 v44 PCMCIA cards for sale?
Question 18: by mahdi bouzid Aug 25, 2024
hello , what's company of shipping to algeria you will deliver with it
Question 19: by Paul Moore Aug 31, 2024
After load the JLR scanning software onto my laptop and then setting it up to run a scan on my Freelander 2. Because my Freelander 2 is pre 2010 the SSD states it has to change to legacy software, at this point it fails to change and just ask me to re-start my laptop.
Can please help what am I missing??
Regards Paul
Question 20: by Harper Sep 11, 2024
Hello, after installing vcds some of the excel files stopped opening and I have this information:
loader crash contact chinaobd2@protonmail
can you help please?
Question 21: by Nikolay Mayurov Källgren Apr 2, 2024
hi where can i find invoices for my purcases?
Question 22: by Mr. Evans Mithika Apr 17, 2024
Please update me on the actual shipping status of
Order Serial Number: CO24041511894
It is now over 48 hours without any update.
Reply #1 by Mr. Evans Mithika Apr 18, 2024
Please update me on the current shipping status of
Order Serial Number: CO24041511894
It is now over 72 hours without any update.
Question 23: by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 7, 2024
Trying the adapter today, starting using VCDS-loader, I can read the car-info, but when I try to do 'basic settings' on my brakes, it says:
"Error, you need a licenced interface'
What is wrong?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 7, 2024
did you have register the cable?
Reply #2 by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 7, 2024
I got a certificate-file in email, long time ago.
Do I have to 're-register' it somehow?
Or do I have to generate a new request?
Question 24: by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 8, 2024
It seems as my adapter will no longer work, even with the license-file you have provided me.
If I should buy a new one, is this the best option?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 9, 2024
this is the latest one, the first generation maybe not work now
Reply #2 by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 23, 2024
Hello again.
I have now gotten the adapter-cable (
Which software-download should I use?
Do I need to use the provided cd-rom-version?
Question 25: by Stefan Persson Oct 17, 2024
Hello Chinaobd2,
I am waiting for my ordered scanner, but do not see that anything has happened since the day of the order (5 days). Has it been sent? When is it expected to be delivered? Why is the tracking number missing? I feel that I should probably order instead from someone who gives information back and who has stock in Europe with fast shipping. Do you have any positive news?
Question 26: by Giovanni Francesco Meledina Oct 30, 2024
I installed a vcds and my computer was infected with ransomware which blocked all my files that now have "loader crash contact", how do I solve it?
Question 27: by Assim Khedr Nov 10, 2024
I paid using paypal, but to wrong shipping address, please ship to the below address
Nader Salem
Verona auto repair
Umm Rammool
Tel: 971506667568
Reply #1 by Assim Khedr Nov 10, 2024
google location
69FF+V7 Dubai
Question 28: by Arreguin zuniga Miguel angel Nov 25, 2024
Tengo un problema con el cargador vcds 22.3
0x9437E24EBA208E1E2AFEB6431EC157CE 0x60FE5A04919AEEDD41DA90760872071C9A2D72A3A34AAC10CF889F1CAB8BFA82
0x60FE5A04919AE EDD410A90760872071C9A2D72A3A34AAC10CFB89F1CAB8BFA82
Question 29: by James Haraseb Jan 11, 2025
Please give me feedback on my order it is fully paid
Question 30: by Mr. diogo ribeiro Apr 24, 2024
I do not receive emails related to my purchase.
I don't know what happened but the email was wrong on your website.
I have already registered the correct email.
I do not have information about this purchase, nor the shipping track number.
Can you send all this information?
Thank you very much
Question 31: by arjan Oct 11, 2024
pls i want to buy thinkdiag 2 75$/pcs
have shiping to iraq
Question 32: by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 24, 2024
I have the adapter, bought the software (this should be included in the product-price...)
I payed, got the order-confirmation-page, but no order in your system.
This is the text I got on the screen:
Your payment is complete
Kristoffer Teuber, Thank you for your Order
Please go to Member Center >> order details to Check your shipping address and leave us a phone number for shipping reference , thanks!
Shipping Details:
8 Höjdhoppsvägen 8
- 51735
Your Paypal:
Transaction ID: 9WG929883L555535R
Payment Total Amount: 9.88
Currency Code: EUR
Payment Status: approved
Payment Type: sale
Click here to return to Home Page
Reply #1 by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 24, 2024
I tried to do it again.
This time it's the same thing, no orders, but paypal has reserved the money!
I have now paid twice (2 times) and gotten no order, no software, no loader.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 24, 2024
please check your email , friend, I have sent you the download link
Question 33: by Clarence Collier Nov 14, 2024
I tried to tack my order and could not locate it. I need to know how much longer do I have to wait upon it's arrivial?
Please respond.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 15, 2024
hi, this is the tracking url of the package, JOLIET, IL 60435 / Delivered, In/At Mailbox -> Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 1:14 pm on October 25, 2024 in JOLIET, IL 60435.
please check that
Question 34: by Mr. Kanstantsin Hancharou Dec 7, 2024
My subscription expired a month ago and now seem tool won't connect and showing no internet connection but other stuff works fine with current connected wifi. How do i renew subscription?
Question 35: by Mr. richard mueller Dec 17, 2024
the dbscar 7 arrived. But there is no code activation in it. I can't use it. Please help me. THX
Question 36: by James Haraseb Jan 9, 2025
I need an upgrade
Question 37: by Miguel angel Espejel Bautista Feb 12, 2025
Buen día, solicito la reactivación mediante la actualización de Tablet OBDSTAR DP PLUS C que desde 2020 no la actualice, cuál es el costo y que proceso debo de seguir? . Muchas gracias por su apoyo
Question 38: by Dumrongsak wangkusol Feb 12, 2025
Do you have any ready-to-ship items?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 26, 2025
yes, which items do you want
Question 39: by Enrique Suarez Alvarez Feb 26, 2025
Buenos días he instalado el VCDS y tengo el rasomware loader crash contact chinaobd2@protonmail. como puedo solucionar este problema. Gracias
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 26, 2025
chinaobd2@protonmail. com, this is not our email, but you can reinstall the vcds, note: you need delete all the old files, intall the latest version viiplusloader.
Question 40: by Daniel Stefanic Oct 9, 2024
Dear all,
I received the ordered cable and CD. On the CD were a 32-bit and a 64-bit program for VCDS 12.12. I could only install the 32-bit version since the 64-bit was corrupted. I have screenshots saved if you need to see them. With the 32-bit version installed, I now have problems with the drivers for the USB cable. The driver in the 32-bit program folder does not work on my Windows 10, and I cannot open or install the 64-bit version. Can you please help me with what to do? I can also send you pictures of the errors.
Thank you for your feedback.
Question 41: by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 11, 2024
I have added the phone-number to the order.
Did you need anything else to process/ship the order?
Question 42: by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 24, 2024
I have the adapter, bought the software (this should be included in the product-price...)
I payed, got the order-confirmation-page, but no order in your system.
This is the text I got on the screen:
Your payment is complete
Kristoffer Teuber, Thank you for your Order
Please go to Member Center >> order details to Check your shipping address and leave us a phone number for shipping reference , thanks!
Shipping Details:
8 Höjdhoppsvägen 8
- 51735
Your Paypal:
Transaction ID: 9WG929883L555535R
Payment Total Amount: 9.88
Currency Code: EUR
Payment Status: approved
Payment Type: sale
Click here to return to Home Page
Question 43: by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 24, 2024
Trying to install the software on the machine used before, Win7 in a virtualbox.
This no longer works!
Why is this?
Can you fix this please?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 30, 2024
please disable the secure boot first, and windows defence.
Question 44: by Patrick Wolfram Nov 21, 2024
I am using Diagzone for around 2 years. Now my subscription ended. Is it possible to renew it?
I got a Thinkdiag dongle.
Question 45: by Ahmet çetin Nov 24, 2024
The hex v2 product I bought from a local dealer does not connect to the vehicle. Can you help me solve the problem?
Question 46: by Shahzad hussain Jun 12, 2019
i need key toyota techstream DI 140E47869F412499AFDDE73B0D59E304
Question 47: by Joni Siltanen Jul 5, 2019
I just received my vcds 18.2 cable (item number VAG182). The included cd-rom does not work. I only managed to load the german version of the vcds, but I would like to use English version.
Can you provide a download link for the software?
Question 48: by Arvis thorn Aug 7, 2019
it has been 4 weeks and have not recived the item I ordered -waiting for reply - will go to paypal for refund- I still would like the item
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 7, 2019
Dear Arvis,
Thanks for contact us. We have refunded you for this order. OBDSTAR F104 currently is out of stock.
Any questions,welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 49: by Abagail Lucero Aug 9, 2019
the undersigned, state UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that:
- I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner,
of certain intellectual property rights ("IP Owner");
- I have a good faith belief that the listings identified below (by item
number) offer items or contain materials that are not authorized by the
IP Owner, its agent, or the law, and therefore infringe the IP Owner's
rights; and
- The information in this notice is accurate.
Please act expeditiously to remove the listings identified in the
I May Be Contacted At
Name of IP Owner:*Mitchell Repair Information Company LLC
Name and Title:* Abagail Lucero, Security and Compliance Supervisor
Company: Mitchell1
Address:*14145 Danielson Street
City, State, and Zip:* Poway, CA 92064
Email address (for correspondence with eBay):
Email address (to be given to eBay sellers)
Telephone:* 858.391.5000 x6049
Fax: 858.391.6049
*Required field
Item Numbers:
Reason Code:
3.3. Item is an unlawful copy of media (software, games, movies, etc.)
Work infringed: Mitchell On Demand
Question 50: by djamel Sep 9, 2019
i need many goods
not any details for contact
phone \
skype link
adress in shenzhen
i am in shenzhen now
Question 51: by Rey Sep 14, 2019
Hello There
Few years ago I bought a Digiprog 3, which never get to powered up.
actually was on May 30, 2014.
I have all the cables and connectors, just don't have the software and the tool as I said never power up, the screen is just blue.
I need to get some work done in a Mercedes benz e320 1997 instrument cluster and was wondering if I can use this tool or do something to fix it.
Item No. C0BD2862
Order Serial No.CO1405300164
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 16, 2019
Dear Rey,
Thanks for contact us again. Sorry to hear that your digiprog never power up, you should contact us earier within the product quality gurantity time, now it's the best to buy a new main unit , and you can also try to update the machine, refesh the software, but because the machine is 2014, 5years ago, I am not sure it can support to the new update programmer.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 52: by Mr. Dariusz Elizabet Brukarz Sep 14, 2019
I wanted to use vcds for the first time today!
After uploading the software according to the instructions which is very well described step by step and which went perfectly!
After running the car and computer cable and configuration successfully!
And here the problems begin, namely the cable could not establish a connection with any of my car drivers !!!!
I remind you that the installation went well, the program detected the cable without connecting to the car and saved the settings in the program !!
So I do not understand why he could not connect to any driver even though I showed the car model to the program! could not detect the Getway bus !!
I tried all day !!!!
I am asking for quick reply and help !!!!
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 16, 2019
Hi, first, please make sure you have installed the drvier software on your computer, if no driver software, then it's impossible for the connection between the your car and computer.
Vag Com cable is desgined for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda cars, from the description of your problem, I think it should be the driver software which is not installed correctly, or not installed on your compuer.
So now you can only reinstall the driver software for VAG COM Cable.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Lucy Wan
Question 53: by Mr. James Frost Nov 10, 2019
Hi I have installed the software and tried to read mileage. However we get the error message "No License File"
Please help
Question 54: by Mr. luis solis Nov 22, 2019
I don't know what happened but your shipping is too slow.
very very slow
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 22, 2019
Dear Luis,
Thanks for contact us. Because the product is free shipping by airmail post, usually the delivery time is 7-15days or so, your package has been shipped out for several days, you should receive the package soon.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Lucy Wan
Question 55: by Mr. Daniel Yong Nov 28, 2019
Hi there, I am sorry, I lost the CD-rom, can you send me a download link for the iProg+ all the contents including a version that is v50+. Thanks
Question 56: by Mr. ALI SHABBIR Nov 28, 2019
Question 57: by jay Dec 5, 2019
Hi ,
do you have alarm code grabber / duplicator ?
similar to Pandora but cheaper ?
Question 58: by Mr. je le Dec 28, 2019
Hi there,
Thank you for sending me the cable.
I have a problem copying these two files,ftd2xx.dll VCDSLoader.exe
My computer says 'VCDSLoader.exe' is trojan virus. please explain and advise how to use it. Thank you for your help.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Dec 28, 2019
all the files in the CD are not virus, please follow the instruction to do, when you use the vcds software, close the anti virs software.
Question 59: by loreto curti Jan 26, 2020
i need iprog full interface!
but I don't understand the difference between the two programmers that you have with difference in cost!
could you tell me the difference?
thank you
Question 60: by Mr. Mr.Ma-ardee Jehma Feb 6, 2020
When will the goods that have been transferred have been received and the shipping number?
Question 61: by Daniel Albiez Feb 17, 2020
Dear all, i ordered the cable via express shipping because i need it urgently. Now one week later it is not shipped. Please cancel this order and refund my payment via paypal. Thanks.
Question 62: by Sanjin Unkic Feb 18, 2020
Hi, is item shipped?
Can you please provide shipping/tracking number for this?
Best Regards
Question 63: by Mr. Mr.Ma-ardee Jehma Feb 19, 2020
Have you shipped the products that I ordered? I have already paid
Question 64: by Mr. Mr.Ma-ardee Jehma Feb 19, 2020
Have you shipped the products that I ordered? I have already paid When can delivery
Question 65: by Mr. Mr.Ma-ardee Jehma Feb 24, 2020
Have you shipped the product? Have you shipped the product? Why is there no product check with this number 302427420035?
Question 66: by Mr. Josef Akile Mar 2, 2020
Hi, i have a customer and i need to code something for them but my vcds is not working. I dont have a cd slot in my pc so i tried downloading vcds from ross tech website. It is saying interface is not found. Can you help?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 5, 2020
Please check your email inbox, our tech has sent you the download link.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Lucy Wan
Question 67: by Putzeys Benny Apr 26, 2020
Order Serial No.: CO2004180545
Order Date: Saturday, Apr 18, 2020
Can I have a tracking number for my order?
Question 68: by May 5, 2020
For shipping purposes please mark Item/order as "GIFT" also note express shipping was selected and paid for. Thanks
Reply #1 by May 5, 2020
For order serial no. CO2005050565
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 May 7, 2020
ok, no problem.
Question 69: by Alfred Theiss May 21, 2020
Hello please activate the files software does not work.
I cannot send the files here should I send them by email?
Thank you!
Question 70: by Mr. Mario Antunovic Feb 29, 2020
i recieved my item and installed it. Once it worked on my car, Skoda Superb 2018, but when i wanted to read faults from another car, VW Passat 2012, it did not work any more and now it does not work on my car too. Other functions it oes not even start. When i click on test connection software finds interface and shows me that K1, K2 und CAN is ok. When i want to read faults It shows me that function is not supported from gateway. I installed it and use it with firewall, antiviurs turned off and without internet conection. I reinstalled it more times, also with revo uninstaller, Notebook Lenovo T460s, WIN 10 pro, without success. I disconnected cable from interface and connected it again. When i install an older version of VCDS 12.12 it works for Passat.
Best Regards
Reply #1 by Mr. Mario Antunovic Mar 5, 2020
I reinstalled (recovered) completely my Windows also and installed again vcds and nothing changed. There is still the same error. I tryed it also on another Notebook, also the. It must be Interface.
Question 71: by Mr. Marek Gutsche Apr 15, 2020
Good day,
unfortunately something went wrong with the order. 2 orders were placed
I only want to order once
you can place the order
Please delete.
Yours sincerely
Reply #1 by Mr. Marek Gutsche Apr 15, 2020
Please the delete the Order CO2004150536 !!!!!
Question 72: by Mr. Putzeys Benny Apr 21, 2020
I have two questions :
1 : When will my order ( CO 2004180545 Paid ) be shipped?
2 : There are 2 orders on my accaunt, but I only ordered 1.
Can't you erase this one CO 2004180544 Pending ?
With kind regards,
Question 73: by Mr. Marek Gutsche May 2, 2020
Good day,
my order CO2004150535 has arrived. During testing, I found that the wrong version was apparently delivered.
The following was ordered:
Was delivered:
VCDS HEX CAN USB (housing and packaging VCDS HEX V2)
The software (VCDS TEST) and the range of functions (no UDS error codes) says that
Has the wrong cable been delivered or the wrong firmware installed on the cable?
I kindly ask for clarification of the problem.
Sincerely yours
M. Gutsche
Reply #1 by Mr. Marek Gutsche May 4, 2020
Good morning,
thank you for your reply.
Yes the cable works, but as I said it is recognized as VCDS Hex-Can and therefore unfortunately has no UDS error code detection like HEX V2. The life-trimmed cable does not support the full functions of a HEX V2 cable. I actually wanted a Hex V2 cable without an online update. As described in the offer and no cable what 50% VCDS HEX-CAN and 50% HEX V2. The cable doesn't help me much. How can we solve the problem and what cable would I have to buy it like a HEX V2 without an online update?
Yours sincerely
Reply #2 by Mr. Marek Gutsche May 4, 2020
Thank you for your answer,
can you make me a speziels offer because of the misunderstandings?
That would be very nice.
Yours sincerely
Reply #3 by Mr. Marek Gutsche May 5, 2020
Thank you for your response.
The SP5285-D is just a Hex-USB-CAN and not a HEX V2?
Which cable do I have to buy so that it says TYPE "HEX V2"?
Make me a offer?
That would be nice.
Question 74: by sv May 27, 2020
The CD you have send me was empty, can you send me the software.
HEX -V2 HEX V2 VAG COM USB Interface für VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda
Question 75: by Mr. Kyle Perkins Jun 2, 2020
Question 76: by Willie J Bowens Jun 24, 2020
There is a mistake on order # CO2006040606 MD 103 calculator. Tracking shows item delivered at mailbox in Miami, FL 33183 on Jun 20. However my address is 3601 clearview Dr. Rex, GA 30273. Please advise.
Question 77: by Stefan Gärtner Jul 16, 2020
2 years ago i bought:
丹 许
VAG COM 14.10.2 VCDS 14.10.2 Deutsch/English/Spanish/Portugal Diagnostic Cable HEX USB Interface for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda Lat
29,99 EUR
Artikelnr.: VAG1410
I dont know whether it was on your shop ?!
Now my father has tried to update my version and it doesnt work anymore?!
I think it was Version 14.10.2 or Version 16.8(link on desktop) ?? My Cable-SIgn: HEX+CAN Dual-K & CAN <--> USB Interface for VCDS Rev.B
Can you send me an Link to Version 14.10.2 an 16.8 (?) for this cable ? I need the software..
Question 78: by Tim May 23, 2020
Where can i find the right file to Register the VCDS Cable with the Loader?
i got a file when i click on generate Registration request and now i dont know how to finish.
Question 79: by constantinos alexander Jun 9, 2020
hello there, i am mechanical workshop and also reseller. can you please do discount for my order? i have items in my shopping cart i want to purchase asap. i will use these to promote and generate more sales as i also have online store.
Question 80: by mikan Jun 9, 2020
iProg+ programmer V82 software download:!D041iCbB!i2UTbHSZT8pRJagwQWKhwydsRpOzEKhak1G2pNhm2JU
please pas for zip arhive
Question 81: by Paul James Turley Jun 24, 2020
I need 1 year update. How much is it please?
Question 82: by Mr. Gareth Mclachlan Aug 17, 2020
Afternoon yesterday I got information of you how to download this UCDS pro from the Internet you sent me all the information I have downloaded it successfully but now when I plug in the device In it comes up on the screen. active license not found for this version of software. Requires access to the Internet to get license but I don’t know how to do this.
Hope you can help with this problem to thanks Gareth.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 18, 2020
Please follow the instructions to do:
First, install Setup_UCDS263.exe
Second,Install UIIIPlusLoader-14.020.04-Release-EN-Installer
after you install the UIIPlus Loader, plug the UCDS Pro to your computer USB 3.0 port, run it as Aministrator, right click the icon of UIIIPlusLoader at the desktop of your computer, choose run as administator.
everytime , when you need to use ucds pro software, you need click UIIIPlusLoader first, then click start UCDS, it's the best right click the icon of UIIIPlusLoader at the desktop of your computer, choose run as administator
Question 83: by kris hartanto Aug 18, 2020
i have bought the Ipro 84 but there is a problem that the cd program can`t be used and i have downloaded the software but i don`t know the pastword please help me so that ican use this tool
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 18, 2020
hi, where did you buy the iprog? if it from us, please tell us your order Serial Number.
Question 84: by Libor Kadlec Aug 23, 2020
I can't find download link for the software I ordered.
Question 85: by adil Jul 2, 2020
Question 86: by mike Jul 10, 2020
Do you have key programmer for w124 mercedes? and any key work together?
Question 87: by Mr. Lembit Paan Jul 12, 2020
I recieved VCI3 interface, the device does not work properly.
SDP3 connects and then lost communication with VCI3.
Another VCI3 devices working ok.
Video attached:!AsuRBiRUbgGEgRlUQeT_5jEFFg8u?e=MaFqzM
Question 88: by Emmanuel Amponsah Amissah Jul 12, 2020
Do youhave factory orignal keys?
Question 89: by DAVID CRUZ Sep 3, 2020
Where is my tracking info and when is order going to ship.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 3, 2020
because there are more than 10 different items in this order, some items need ship from the facotry, please give us 3 days or so to deal with your order.
we will ship all the items out at the first time.
Question 90: by maik itter May 24, 2020
please sent me my registraton file for vcds 19.6.
Question 91: by Jesper Nielsen Jul 31, 2020
Hi Support
It is stated in the description that it will run with no registration.
But the IDS-Ford is asking for a dealer registration code, else the software is useless!!
please provide this.
Question 92: by Mr. Razali Mohd Bahar Aug 3, 2020
hi admin
i try communicate with vendor but no respond, i already do a full payment
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 3, 2020
please send teamviewer ID and password to us, our tech will help you download the software files.
Question 93: by Mr. Aivaras Miliunas Aug 14, 2020
Dear Sirs
please send me tracking number for my order , thanks.
Reply #1 by Mr. Aivaras Miliunas Aug 26, 2020
Dear Sirs , please clear situation or i'll send request of refund payment to Paypal. Regards.
Question 94: by Mr. alberto ventura Aug 18, 2020
checar el pedido el estatus
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 18, 2020
please tell us your order serial number
Question 95: by Ercan Bayrakli Sep 15, 2020
Welcome to our website.
You registered successfully at ChinaOBD2
Your Member ID and Password as following:
Member ID:
Password: 655909
If you didn't create a Member ID, you can use your e-mail address to sign in our website.
Best Regards,
OBD2 Diagnostic Tool
My tel no
015147090643 Germany Handy
Question 96: by Jose L Prada Aug 12, 2020
Hi I recently purchased a DS 150 whit Bluethoot Soft ver. 2017.1
Ref code CO2007300791
And I have received just now
Fast service..
I am trying to install it on a computer with Windos XP Prof , where no other diagnostic program has existed before,
How do I do it?
Is there a tutorial . or similar?
Thank you!
Question 97: by daniel Aug 22, 2020
please provide me Password to update loader
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 23, 2020
the password is
Question 98: by Libor Kadlec Sep 7, 2020
I have a question about SDP software installation.You've installed SDP3 2.44.1 software into my device and I bought another version SDP3 V2.21 VCI2. My question is that if it's possible to have both versions installed on the same device at the same time.
Thank you
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 7, 2020
Hi, SDP3 2.21 can not be installed on the same computer with SDP3 2.44.1.
Question 99: by Daniel Schmidt Sep 9, 2020
Hello i dont have my article yet. Where is ist.
Question 100: by Aleksandar Sep 19, 2020
Why can't I login.It says user ID expired even when I enter password
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 19, 2020
Hi, your password is Aleksandar81
you can copy the password, your account is no problem. I just check that.
Question 101: by Aleksandar Sep 19, 2020
I have bought from you with version 1.52.Unfortunately it's not working,can you provide me some other version of this software?
Thank you
Question 102: by Gerold Reiter Oct 14, 2020
Hello, where should I send the license code so I can get a new one?
Question 103: by Mr. sebastian garski Oct 21, 2020
hi there
i have brought car prog and you have send me a cd with it and i have no cd drive on my laptop and when i download it from google it opens but it just says error on everything i click on ?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 22, 2020
Hi, you can download the software of carprog v8.21 from this link:
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 104: by KaloianPetkov Sep 23, 2017
I made a order of product from your's platform and it was end of august /27-28.08.2017/ and i still don't have it delivered! Now i cant login with my e-mail and password and I wonder if you have ever send it or you just took my money and delete my account! Demand some answers/delivery or refund!
I still have PayPal order number and out tour order witch is as follows>PayPal Express Checkout (USD19.99, Transaction ID: 5PR26421M39742444)
Thanks for your order at ChinaOBD2. Your Order #CO1708210140
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 23, 2017
Our site has been updated, Please go to to check your order information, Your order has been reshipped out by China Post .
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Question 105: by john pitfield Sep 25, 2017
I have forgot my password,how can I change it?????
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 26, 2017
We have sent your password by Email, please check that.
Question 106: by Nkosie Mazibuko Sep 28, 2017
I bought the SBB key code and I do not know how to use it. Can you please send me a video that can show me stab by stab on a car. e.g. VW or Toyota
Question 107: by Roger Meineke Nov 3, 2017
Hi trying to checkout ,but says internal
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 4, 2017
please register an account first. add the item to shopping cart, choose shipping address, then check out.
Question 108: by Roger Meineke Nov 4, 2017
Internal servo error.Will not let me register.Thanks
Question 109: by Brane Jan 21, 2018
i buy star c3 2015 , then i buy hdd disk for dell computer .
i have problem with program, please answer me.
Question 110: by Mr. zelateur gerome IMS SARL Jan 31, 2018
the snooper i buy on this order : CO1801100162
don't work . it's not light up once pluggin , have test on 3 cars , and with another snooper that don't have problem .
how can you solve that ?
Question 111: by Jan Feb 22, 2018
Hello. I ned to buy some equipment.
Here is my problem - i got a kia ceed sw 2008, but i have Lost the last key, do you have some tools so i can reprogramme immo or delete other keys in the system, or something.. If there are more than one machine there c an do it, please explain why thei are looking forward to hear from you, either by mail or phone
Jan Pedersen
Mail phone :+4542947595
Question 112: by Robert Mar 7, 2018
I need to reset the oil age (or oil ageing) counter on a Renault Scenic 1, automatic gearbox transmission (DP04 gearbox).
Also, I need to change oil change date using a Clip.
Original renault software can do this.
Which China clip must I buy from your page - ?
Question 113: by Mr. Kazbek Butaev Mar 17, 2018
Original Launch M-Diag Lite Plus EZdiag for iOS Android Built-in Bluetooth OBDII with One Free Car Software
in stock?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Mar 18, 2018
sorry, this item has been sold out.
Question 114: by Mike Burgess Apr 15, 2018
Hi I purchased this item from you in 2014.
Is there an software upgrade available to purchase please
Question 115: by Mr. mervyn witherow May 19, 2018
Question 116: by Ernie May 23, 2018
Hi do you sell motorcycle scanners so I can reset my service light & Diagnosis thanks
Question 117: by udrea alexandru bogdan May 29, 2018
hello,i buyed from you a vdm2 and afther installing the product does not find the ecu it says.....i have tried on 3 cars.....ecu is not responding error i get.....what is the problem?.....thank you
Question 118: by marcussy beethoven Oct 1, 2018
je vous informe que j'ai bien payer
ma commande et que j'aimerai bien cette fois ci recevoir mon colis concernant
cette commande( CO1810010256)
care je n'es toujours pas recu cette commande qui a bien débité de mon compte
mais annulé de votre pars,j'attend bien enttendus un remboucement
ou peu etre un oublie de votre pars (CO1809040270)
Question 119: by Michael Gruhne Feb 2, 2019
SKS-3058 Auto EECS and ECU Examine-Analyzing
can you deliver the device?
Best Regards
Question 120: by Mr. Njoku Joseph Mcremmy Feb 15, 2019
i bought calculator Order Serial No.: CO1811170261 from your shop since last year November 17 2018 until now i have not received my item please what is the problem
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 15, 2019
Sorry Friend, We will deal with your order now. I will send you the tracking number soon.
Question 121: by Kim Andre Reinig May 22, 2019
i ordered the wrong cable, sorry...
I made another order with the right one, would you please cancel this order (CO1905200296) and
send my money back via Paypal?
Regards Kim
Question 122: by Daniel Feb 10, 2020
Hello, I would like to order Item No. GV196 to Germany.
I do not need express shipping, how can I change to a slower and cheaper shipping method? Thanks Daniel
Question 123: by Dave Oct 31, 2020
Bonjour j'ai fait un achat sur site j'ai le numéro de commande qui confirme le tout , vous m'avez envoyé un message me demandant de vous confirmer mon numéro de téléphone . Je vous l'ai envoyé mes j'ai pas eu de confirmation comme quoi ma commande est expédiée. Alors pouvez vous me dire que tout est correct ?
Question 124: by Daniel Gonzalez Nov 3, 2020
Hola a pasado mas de un mes y no se que paso con mi compra alguna explicación me van a enviar o no quisiera saber alguna novedad por favor.
Question 125: by Mr. QaSsem Alhaddad Sep 5, 2020
hi i got blacklisted device from your website i cant use the software i want, other softwares doesnt suppport english :(
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 5, 2020
hi, there is a QR code at the packing box, you can scan the QR code to download the software .
Reply #2 by Mr. QaSsem Alhaddad Sep 5, 2020
The QR code on box doesnt show options for amrican cars, most my work i need amrican cars and English language
Reply #3 by Mr. QaSsem Alhaddad Sep 5, 2020
The company said the device i got is fake or used by someone who missed the payment
Reply #4 by Mr. QaSsem Alhaddad Sep 5, 2020
I bought device as new , not used
Question 126: by Mr. alberto ventura Sep 17, 2020
buenas tardes
hice un pedido y no esta la orden del producto y ya esta pagado
Your Order #CO2008140354 information at ChinaOBD2 is as following :
You can get your order last update information anytime at:
Order Tracking
Tracking No.:
Carrier: Airmail Post
Carrier URL:
Order Form Information
Order Serial No.: CO2008140354
Order Date: Friday, Aug 14, 2020
Order Total Sum: US$0.00(Adjusted)
Product Name
Herramienta de escaneo vs450 VAG can OBDII lector de código vs 450
Item No.COBD2749
Items Total:US$35.99
Total Sum:US$35.99
Order Status
Added Time
Aug 14, 2020 20:41:16
Aug 14, 2020 20:42:18
PayPal Express Checkout (USD, Transaction ID: 8FR62072CS762790M)
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 17, 2020
Thanks for contact us,friend. I will deal with your order now.
Reply #2 by Mr. alberto ventura Oct 9, 2020
checar status del pedido
Sr. alberto ventura 17/9/2020 6:47:04
buenas tardes
hice un pedido y no esta la orden del producto y ya esta pagado La información de
su pedido # CO2008140354 en ChinaOBD2 es la siguiente:
Puede obtener la información de la última actualización de su pedido en cualquier momento en: getOrderInfo.asp
Seguimiento de pedidos
Seguimiento No .:
Carrier: correo aéreo de
Carrier URL:
Formulario de pedido Información
de pedido Nº de serie .: CO2008140354
Orden Fecha: Lunes, 14 Ago, 2020
total del pedido suma: US $ 0.00 (ajustado)
S / N
Nombre del producto
Herramienta de escaneo vs450 VAG can OBDII lector de código vs 450
N.o de artículo COBD2749
Color / Estilo: -
Tamaño / Spec: -.
Los productos Total: US $ 35.99
Suma Total: US $ 35.99
Agregado Tiempo
Ago 14, 2020 20:41:16
A cargo
14 Ago, 2020 20:42:18
Pago exprés de PayPal (USD, ID de transacción: 8FR62072CS762790M)
Reply #3 by Mr. alberto ventura Nov 5, 2020
buenas tardes
hice un pedido y no esta la orden del producto y ya esta pagado La información de
su pedido # CO2008140354 en ChinaOBD2 es la siguiente:
Puede obtener la información de la última actualización de su pedido en cualquier momento en: getOrderInfo.asp
Seguimiento de pedidos
Seguimiento No .:
Carrier: correo aéreo de
Carrier URL:
Formulario de pedido Información
de pedido Nº de serie .: CO2008140354
Orden Fecha: Lunes, 14 Ago, 2020
total del pedido suma: US $ 0.00 (ajustado)
S / N
Nombre del producto
Herramienta de escaneo vs450 VAG can OBDII lector de código vs 450
N.o de artículo COBD2749
Color / Estilo: -
Tamaño / Spec: -.
Los productos Total: US $ 35.99
Suma Total: US $ 35.99
Agregado Tiempo
Ago 14, 2020 20:41:16
A cargo
14 Ago, 2020 20:42:18
Pago exprés de PayPal (USD, ID de transacción: 8FR62072CS762790M)
Reply #4 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 5, 2020
sorry, this item is out of stock, we have refund you.
Question 127: by Stefan Scholz Sep 20, 2020
Hallo, ich habe von ihnen das VCDS Diagnostik Cable gekauft.
leider funktioniert es nicht, mit der beigelegten Software. der loader last sich nicht öffnen.
bei dem Versuch die Software über ihren link (other languages) zu bekommen, scheiter ich an dem Password um die RAR Datei zu öffnen.
Bitte um schnellst mögliche Lösung.
P.S.: was muss ich nach dem Installieren nach der Software machen das es Funktioniert?
muss ich ihnen eine Registrierung Datei schicken? oder funktioniert die Verbindung automatisch?
mit der originalen Software von VCDS bekomme ich keine Verbindung zum Wagen, Interface nicht gefunden.
Question 128: by Andy Hookins Sep 28, 2020
It is 1 week since I placed my order but I have not been given a notification of shipping. Please advise if my order has been shipped or if there has been a delay.
Thank you,
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 29, 2020
hi, this cable is till need to waiting the factory ship it to us. Can you wai some time? If you can not wait, we can refund you.
Reply #2 by Andy Hookins Sep 29, 2020
OK to wait. Do you have ETA from factory for information?
Thank you,
Reply #3 by Andy Hookins Oct 15, 2020
Do you have an update on shipping date from factory please. OK to wait.
Thanks in advance,
Question 129: by Uwe Wegner Nov 7, 2020
Wo bleibt meine bestellte Ware?
Bestellung 11.08.2020 !!!
Question 130: by Matt Nov 26, 2020
Do you have vag obd helper in stock?
Reply #1 by lily Nov 26, 2020
Hi,friend. We will have vag obd helper in stock within 7-15 days.Welcome to place an order on our site.
Question 131: by Eng:MOHAMMED ABDUL ALEEM Aug 16, 2020
good evening this instrument we cannot programing ECU,? what is this version 2020or 2021, it is updated or up to what models of the cars I will support kinfly let me know the details if you have ur product brouchers and price list share me I will check it ok waiting to hear you asap...
my whats up number is@ 00966502238528, my email is: ma'
we are Riyadh based Saudi Arabia. we are having 4 Aoto Service centers in Riyadh second Industrial are we need this tool for our work shop purpose usage,, so kindly let me know the other models scanner if you have the love covers all the car functions diagnosis..ok.
Is their any Discounted in this model scanner if you have
Question 132: by Mr. Henrik Glad Oct 16, 2020
I ordered my product 2 weeks ago and you still havent said anything about shipping or if delay, when it will be shipped.
What is the status?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 22, 2020
it should be very soon. the factory said they will send the cable to us at this week, it should be no problems that we ship the package at next week.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 133: by Manuel Holliger Dec 21, 2020
I Downloaded the software vcds on your website. Now i need a password to unpack it. Can you tel me the password? I dident recive any password whit the vcds.
Reply #1 by lily Dec 22, 2020
Hello,the password is
Question 134: by panagiotidis giorgos Jan 4, 2021
i bought sdp3 i wand to install 244.3 version
Question 135: by Mr. Adel Dahmani Aug 15, 2020
Dear Sir would you like to send me the password
thank you
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 15, 2020
hi, the password is
Question 136: by Garteth Mclachlan Aug 16, 2020
hi i perched a ucds obd2 down load tool it came with a dvd but i dont have a dvd driver on my laptop is there any other way of down loading this on to my laptop.
Question 137: by John van Weelderen Oct 23, 2020
Good afternoon,
This order is in pending status. What does that mean?
Reply #1 by lily Oct 27, 2020
Hello,its means that you need to pay for it.,and we will ship it to you as soon as posible.
Question 138: by Daniel Gonzalez Oct 24, 2020
Hello good afternoon, I bought from your store a vag helper and not if I was sent what I bought number CO2009270942 to see if they can help me because I can not track my product I buy, waiting for a response thank you.
Reply #1 by lily Oct 27, 2020
Hello,we will ship it in seven days.
Question 139: by Christian Ludwig Nov 10, 2020
Unfortunately, something went wrong with the order.
the recipient name is incorrect.
Christian Ludwig is wrong
the right one is Thomas Ritzinger
can you please change that, otherwise it cannot be allocated.
or you can cancel it and I'll order again
Question 140: by Dave C Nov 10, 2020
hello I received my package yesterday and I am unable to install the software via the CD included in my package. My computer is running Windows 10. What solution is available to me?
Thank you
Question 141: by Ravi Jan 19, 2021
Can you send products by DHL
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 21, 2021
yes, we can ship package by DHL, when you place orders on our site, you can choose express shipping service, usually, we will ship package by DHL
Question 142: by Patrick Fath Feb 6, 2021
Hello! I've lost the small CD for my VCDS HEX-V2 multilanguage (VCDS v19). do you have a download link?
Patrick Fath
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 7, 2021
hi, please tell your order serial number. let me check what product did you order.
Question 143: by Remigius Maidel Feb 8, 2021
Hello, i need the Keygen for the CPD DS 150 2017.1
I can send you the created file.
Remig Maidel
Reply #1 by Remigius Maidel Feb 14, 2021
Hello, i ned a answer in this week.
Question 144: by xxxx Sep 24, 2020
Item No. SP5285
is it also possible for vehicles built in 2020?
Kind regards
Question 145: by D. Gashi Oct 8, 2020
Hello. I bought VCDS VAG COM Diagnostic Cable HEX USB Interface
through your company. I installed the program and got Registration File .dat.
Whom should I send the file to get the new registration file.
Thanks for a quick reply. Regards D. Gashi
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 10, 2020
hi, please send the file to us by email.
Question 146: by Mr. alberto ventura Nov 5, 2020
buenas tardes
hice un pedido y no esta la orden del producto y ya esta pagado La información de
su pedido # CO2008140354 en ChinaOBD2 es la siguiente:
Puede obtener la información de la última actualización de su pedido en cualquier momento en: getOrderInfo.asp
Seguimiento de pedidos
Seguimiento No .:
Carrier: correo aéreo de
Carrier URL:
Formulario de pedido Información
de pedido Nº de serie .: CO2008140354
Orden Fecha: Lunes, 14 Ago, 2020
total del pedido suma: US $ 0.00 (ajustado)
S / N
Nombre del producto
Herramienta de escaneo vs450 VAG can OBDII lector de código vs 450
N.o de artículo COBD2749
Color / Estilo: -
Tamaño / Spec: -.
Los productos Total: US $ 35.99
Suma Total: US $ 35.99
Agregado Tiempo
Ago 14, 2020 20:41:16
A cargo
14 Ago, 2020 20:42:18
Pago exprés de PayPal (USD, ID de transacción: 8FR62072CS762790M)
Question 147: by bas jain Nov 7, 2020
OBDSTAR X300 PRO3 Key Master with Immobiliser + Odometer Adjustment +EEPROM/PIC+OBDII will this add new smart keys to Nissan micra 2015
my email
Question 148: by Dave C Nov 10, 2020
Hello I received my package yesterday and I am unable to install the software via the CD included in my package. My computer is running Windows 10. What solution is available to me?
Thank you
Question 149: by Torben Lysgaard Dec 3, 2020
I have just board a vag com usb cable. The cable is not working, i have tried on both XP and Windows 10 same message - interface not found.
Order Serial No.: CO2011201082 Order Date: Friday, Nov 20, 2020.
Car vw passat model 2018
Looking forward to hear your feedback
Best regards Torben
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Dec 3, 2020
You can try it on win7.
please follow the instructions to do.
a. Turn off antivirus such as AVG, McAfee, etc.
b. Disable Windows Defender
now the latest version vcds should be no support works on xp,
on win10, if you follow the instructions to do, it should be no problem.
once install the vcds software, copy the vcdsloader to the installation folder, every time, when you need to use vcds software, click vcdsloader.
Question 150: by Mr. Borger Dec 8, 2020
Dear Madam / Sir,
unfortunately the tracking number 4966001176 we got for our order CO2011271106 ist not working. Can you please check the status of the consignment for us and let us know where the delivery is now so that we know when we can expect the delivery?
Thank you.
Question 151: by Tonino Fantauzzi Jan 23, 2021
Buongiorno, ho acquistato questo articolo da un'altro fornitore, ancora non vi conoscevo.Una volta istallato dopo tre letture mi ha dato un problema con la modifica e scrittura del codice binario su Type serial Eeprom Subtype ST Device M95160 uscendo una scritta (THE CERTIFICATE HAS EXPIRED OR IS NOT VALITED. DO YOU WANT TO UP DATE IT NOW?) vorrei diventare vostro cliente in quanto sto contattando il mio fornitore da trenta giorni e ho fatto presente il problema ma ad oggi non ho ricevuto nessuna risposta per risolverlo.
Gentilmente attendo una vostra risposta
Grazie Mille
Reply #1 by Tonino Fantauzzi Jan 23, 2021
Hello, I bought this item from another supplier, I didn't know you yet. and once installed after three readings this message immediately came out (the certificate has expired or is not valited. Do you want to update is now?) I would like to become your customer as I have been contacting my supplier for thirty days but to date I have not received no response
I kindly await your reply
Thank you so much
Question 152: by jaramillo jaramillo Feb 20, 2021
good morning
Can you send me the tracking number?
How long will my order arrive?
Question 153: by Bruce Ailiff Sep 28, 2020
I will have to consider buying elsewhere for items next time as your shipping method has taken over 2 weeks and is still not to my address. This is bad service for such a high cost of shipping.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 28, 2020
really sorry for the delay delivery. we choose a wrong logistic company. they said it's very fast. we will never ship package by this company again.
Question 154: by Mr. Richard Lawrence Oct 9, 2020
Why has my order not been sent? Richard Lawrence 602 329 2484
Reply #1 by Mr. Richard Lawrence Oct 10, 2020
Hello I paid with speedy delivery What is up with my order.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 10, 2020
Dear Friend,
Your order has been shipped out by DHL. The tracking number is 6435893306,
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 155: by Gerold Reiter Oct 14, 2020
Hi, how i get the icon for send to the dealer to my PC.
Regards, Gerold
Question 156: by Ulf Augustsson Dec 15, 2020
Hello. I now received the Mangoose Pro GM II Cable Supports GDS2 for Global Vehicle Diagnostics cable. Item No. COBD25078
When I test it generates Error-frames on both CAN-buses.
I've compared it to two other MongoosePro GM II units which does not behave the same.
I would either like a replacement unit or a re-fund.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Dec 16, 2020
we can replace one for you.
please send the cable to us by ems,
the return address is:
Attn: Tan Yong
Address: Room B419 ChenShiShangHai Commercial Center, 11 ZhongXing Road, BanTian ,LONGGANG DISTRICT,
Shenzhen Ciy, Guangdong Province, China
Post Code:518219
Please declare the package only 10USD, when you shp the package out, tell us the tracking number.
Once we receive the package, we will ship you a new cable.
Reply #2 by Ulf Augustsson Dec 18, 2020
Please clarify what "by ems" means?
I will need you to reimburse me for the the return shipping cost, and also the customs for the faulty unit.
Question 157: by aiura shunichirou Dec 17, 2020
Dear 俊一朗 相浦.
Thanks for your order on ChinaOBD2 .
Please leave us your phone number for shipping reference of Order CO2012161175
Phone number is very important for the shipping
Waiting for your prompt reply. So that we can ship the package out on time.
Best Regards,
OBD2 Diagnostic Tool
Note: This is an automatically generated Delivery Notification. Please do not reply this message.For more information, please click our website:
Question 158: by Mr. ANTONI SKUDŁO Dec 30, 2020
Good morning
Due to the lack of an answer to the question asked about the cost of return - CONSCIOUSLY sent by the seller another, USD 27.01 cheaper - decoder than ordered and paid,
I ordered: S / N. CO2012071133 # COBD23158 -------- 55.00 USD
I received: S / N 979860706878 # COBD21688 -------- 27.99 USD
I find our transaction unprofessional and from the very beginning aiming at obtaining undue profit by the seller of $ 27.01 In view of the above, I request an immediate refund of the overpayment amount. USD 27.01 has my account from which I made the payment. In the event of no response and a refund of the overpayment, I will take other legal steps and publish the case.
Antoni Skudło
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 15:23, Togra pisze:
Best regards,
Antoni Skudło
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 15:11, Togra pisze:
Best regards,
Antoni Skudło
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 15:00, Togra pisze:
Simple solution :)
Who is to bear the costs of returning the shipment, since the total fault lies with you?
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 14:36, apollo tan pisze:
you can return the package to the following address:
Ship To
Attn: Tan Yong
Address: Room B419 ChenShiShangHai Commercial Center, 11 ZhongXing Road, BanTian ,LONGGANG DISTRICT,
Shenzhen Ciy, Guangdong Province, China
Post Code: 518219
please ship it by ems , or register mail. after receive the package , we will refund you.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Togra" <>;
Date: Tue, Dec 29, 2020 09:34 PM
To: "support"<>;
Subject: Re: Antoni Skudło-My order is: S / N. CO2012071133
Good morning
Unfortunately, this device is of an older generation - I already have it.
That's not what I ordered. !!!
This is also evidenced by the price difference !!!
The fault of this NON-PROFESSIONAL transaction is entirely on your side.
I am definitely interested in returning the shipment I received and I would like to ask you to resolve the return shipment.
Best regards,
Antoni Skudło
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 14:13, support pisze:
Thanks for contact us.
Because the item you ordered is out of stock, and the function of these two items are 100% the same.
Any questions, wel Lishi HU66 v3 is also a famous brand tool, if you don't like it, you can return it to us, we will refund you.come to contact us.
Apollo Tan
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Togra"<>;
Date: Tue, Dec 29, 2020 09:09 PM
To: "support"<>;
Subject: Antoni Skudło-My order is: S / N. CO2012071133
Good morning !
I have received a parcel / 29-12-2020 / which is inconsistent with the order. My order is: S / N. CO2012071133 Super Auto Decoder And Pick Tool HU66v.3 Item no. COBD23158
I received a completely different product with the order designation S / N 979860706878 Item # COBD21688 I am asking you to solve the problem that has arisen for me.
Antoni Skudło
Reply #1 by Mr. ANTONI SKUDŁO Jan 5, 2021
Good morning
Sorry - maybe my English is not perfect as I use a translator.
I received a refund of the difference in value - but as a result I was forced to buy a worthless decoder for me, which I will notify POTENTIAL BUYERS, CUSTOMERS - YOUR CONDUCT WILL GIVE BAD FEEDBACK TO OTHERS.
Antoni Skudło.
One key makes no noise, but two keys are already buzzing.
W dniu 2021-01-05 o 11:01, support pisze:
> Hi,
> we have refund you 27.01USD by paypal.
> COBD23158, this item currently need to wait he factory manufature it, it need about two weeks, it will come back to in stock.
> but the price is rising. now it need 69USD.
> any questions, welcome to contact us.
> Best regards,
> Apollo Tan
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From: "Togra"<>;
> Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2021 05:53 PM
> To: "support"<>;
> Subject: Re: Antoni Skudło-Moje zamówienie to: S / N. CO2012071133
> Good morning !
> With whom do I have the pleasure to correspond?
> Sincerely
> Antoni Skudło.
> ..........................................................................................
> W dniu 2021-01-05 o 08:36, support pisze:
>> Hi,
>> thanks for contact us.
>> we will refund you the difference price. ok?
>> 55-27.99 = 27.01USD
>> ok?
Question 159: by supun chamikara Jan 8, 2021
how much softwere for iprog+
Question 160: by piotr piwowarczyk Feb 9, 2021
I bought ucds pro 2.0.7 ( order CO2011041021)
Unfortunetely loader from cdrom is not working. please give me instruction or another loader , because i can not start ucds. I have win 10, no antivirus. I have very old loader and with this old loader i can use cable, but not with this version from order. So, please help me with problem.
So, loader not working like should. He can not recognize cable.
Best regards,
Question 161: by Mr. Adel Dahmani Mar 3, 2021
Dear friend
I downloaded new vcds 21.3 but need new update VIIplus loader to update and use new version of vcds 21.3
tanks a lot
Question 162: by Mr. Jaroslaw Zydek Dec 4, 2020
I am interested in byiing of Foxwell NT520 Pro for Mercedes Benz W213. The car was made in 2019, so that scanner can scan all instruments in MB W213 car?
Foxwell NT520 Pro can code and adopt some function in electronic system of MB W213 car?
Please let me know, if buying of Foxwell NT520 Pro is good decisson for scanning all parts ofMB W213 car.
Best regards
Question 163: by Juri Müller-Friede Dec 10, 2020
how can i update to newest vcds?
i downloaded newest vcds (20.12.0) plus the VCDS 20.12.0 Loader.
install vcds first then start loader? then update firmware? do i need to register again?
thanks for help
ps: since my pc crashed i had to reinstall windows 10.
Reply #1 by Juri Müller-Friede Dec 10, 2020
ok, got it. i took the old loader.
but please check email now.
i get error code. my email is ""
Question 164: by Mr. Panagiotis Kastanidis Dec 10, 2020
Received item, but it seems not working with Tech2win for Saab.
Please advise.
Best regards
Question 165: by Mr. Bora ÖZDİŞ Dec 25, 2020
Western Union sent the money shipping MTCN : 2120638496 please quickly ship the products
Reply #1 by Mr. Bora ÖZDİŞ Dec 25, 2020
I can't send the receipt picture The money will come under the name Sevim Özdiş
Question 166: by Marco Ferreira Dec 30, 2020
when the new updated software for ucds?
Question 167: by JOE BARMICHAEL Jan 21, 2021
we installed but no can program me unit can you help
please ?
thanks joe
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 21, 2021
Hi, do you have a ktag and renew cable for the ecu? it is the best to find an englinner to help you program it.
Reply #2 by JOE BARMICHAEL Jan 21, 2021
no we need to buy one we use autel in the shop and they haveing problem supplying us with the file s for the car we are installing the unit into
Question 168: by Henry Jan 25, 2021
hi i have a Toyota alphard, hybrid version. will this read the codes? with extra codes also to direct us to the issue that the car is facing?
Question 169: by jaramillo jaramillo Feb 11, 2021
how long will my order arrive?
Reply #1 by jaramillo jaramillo Feb 20, 2021
Good morning
how long will my order arrive?
Question 170: by Javier Ayude Apr 18, 2021
I have buyed one of your easydiag 3.0 but It have no activation code or user manual. How can I get the activation code?. I have the box and serial number
Thank you
Question 171: by JOE BARMICHAEL Jan 21, 2021
can you please help me program this unit to my car
Question 172: by Damian Jendrossek Jan 26, 2021
Hello, I have your UCDS, can I install a newer version?
Reply #1 by lily Jan 31, 2021
Hello,please don't update the software now, just wait the factory publish the latest vesrion new ucdsloader.
Question 173: by Nenad Djurdjevic Feb 7, 2021
is possible to provide me first five numbers from SN of these two products?
I wan't to buy it, but need to be sure if SN is correct before I order it.
Product 1 - Launch Golo3:
Product 2 - Launch Easydiag 3.0:
Kind Regards,
Question 174: by Frederik Klobe Feb 13, 2021
Hello ladies and gentlemen,
i have just paid an order with PayPal and was then logged out of your system.
I previously registered with you on your website.
my account name or login email address is
Now your system tells me when I wanted to log in again that there are no users with the mail address I can no longer track my order or order additional items.
Please correct the error
Thank you
frederik klobe Germany
Question 175: by Mr. Shiva kumar J Feb 21, 2021
Dear Sir / Madam,
Please note that i have not recieved CMD can with order no.CO2101261290
I have already paid cmd can product amount 27,99 dollars and shipping charges.
Kindly adjust amount against order no CO2102211367 and send the products in order no CO2102211367 on urgent basis by DHL. Please let me know difference amount that needs to be paid.
Question 176: by Jarek May 19, 2021
I sent you twice request for VCDS registration.
Are you able check your e-mail box and resend me right licenses?
Thank you in advance
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 17, 2021
hi, you can send the file to us by email.
Question 177: by Mr. Lynton Brown Feb 2, 2024
Good morning.
Can you please urgently send me the download link for this software so I can download it so long and you can log in to install?
Question 178: by Jan Polák Apr 6, 2024
Hello, I am interested in buying from you Perfect version LED BDM frame with 4 probes Grid for Kess Dimsport K-TAG FoxFlash and PCMtuner
Item No. COBD25168 what is the difference between KTAG KESS KTM Dimsport LED BDM probe adapters Complete set 22 sets (Denso, Marelli, Bosch, Siemens)
Item No. COBD25413 and Complete KTAG KESS KTM Dimsport BDM Probe Adapter Kit (Denso, Marelli, Bosch, Siemens)
Item No. COBD2687 ?
And do you really have this product in stock?
Thanks for the reply John
Question 179: by asdon asdon Oct 29, 2024
I’m looking for the programmer rf430 do you guys sell it?
Question 180: by David Köhler Nov 27, 2024
Can you write me an email so I can send pictures of my interface, it doesn't work.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 30, 2024
Question 181: by Mr. Piscosquito Mario Nov 29, 2024
Hi i can´t download the software with the S/N?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 30, 2024
Question 182: by gary Morton Dec 19, 2024
I am testing on usb sais interface not found
Question 183: by rafael Aug 23, 2022
kess v2 + Ktag
waht her including? ECM Titanium also?
Question 184: by Mr. Mr.Ma-ardee Jehma Feb 8, 2020
When the money has been paid, when will the goods be delivered?
Question 185: by andy zheng Feb 13, 2020
hi I just bought this items from you can you let me know how long will take for ship . I try doing business with you. this is for my customer can you please don't put the invoice little thanks please let me know
Question 186: by Mr. Pawel Plywaczyk Oct 23, 2020
I have a question, do you have a VAG OBD Helper? can you send immediately I need 1 pc.
I am asking for an answer.
Regards Poll
Reply #1 by lily Oct 27, 2020
Yes,you can place an order on our website Mall,and we will ship it in seven days.
Question 187: by Mr. Mohammad Firas El Farra Jan 21, 2021
thank you I have just received the cable but seems the small CD is empty or unreadable
can you please help me with that
thanks in advance
Question 188: by patrick mckenzie Feb 19, 2021
What is the static of my order?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 23, 2021
sorry for the delay reply. we just got back from the Chinese Spring Festival, we will deal with your order soon.
Reply #2 by patrick mckenzie Feb 28, 2021
What is the static of my order?
Reply #3 by patrick mckenzie Mar 3, 2021
why was my order cancelled.
Reply #4 by ChinaOBD2 Mar 3, 2021
hi, because the item COBD21968 is out of stock.
Reply #5 by patrick mckenzie Mar 3, 2021
will you get some more. Or is it no longer available.
Reply #6 by ChinaOBD2 Mar 5, 2021
hi, this item has stopped production, it will be no longer available. but you can choose the other items,
this one is also very good for nissian diagnostic.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 189: by Ian portugal Jan 25, 2023
Do the unit can perform odometer adjustment for sinotruck,howo,foton,xcmg,shakman,lovol,hitachi, lyugong?
Question 190: by Roland Teslof Mar 12, 2021
hello i have problems to get vcds to runn. can you help me pls.
Question 191: by Srikanth Feb 4, 2021
coupon code please, purchase including shipping is 299.77dollars for the below items.
1). New Design CDP DS150 2017R1 Version for Car and Truck Diagnostic Tool With Bluetooth
Item No. NDS01
2). KTM BENCH V1.20 ECU Programmer for BOOT and Bench Read and Write
Item No. COBD25470
Color/Style: with Dongle
Question 192: by Ruud Toonders Mar 20, 2021
Dear mr/mrs,
where could i download this software?
thank you,
Question 193: by Anton Arshinov Mar 25, 2021
Hi! I've placed an order on 15th of March and there have been no updates ever since. I'd like to cancel the order and get a refund.
Question 194: by Ahmeed Dec 6, 2022
دياق ذون
Question 195: by Mr. Nolan Klees Apr 2, 2021
I incorrectly entered my shipping address; “Calofornia” was intended to be “California”
The correct address is:
888 Belmont Way
Pinole, California, United States
Question 196: by robert bosworth Apr 9, 2021
My mongoose seems to work but only partially using Tech2Win and GlobalTIS. I can run security unlock via GlobalTIS and it correctly returns the VIN. But when I try to SPS to flash my ECU I get this error message:
E4403: Severe error: Reading VIN from device or controller failed
The vehicle is a 2007 Saab 9-3 Aero 6mt
Question 197: by Ram Feb 24, 2021
hello i have cabble from your shop i tried to update with newest vcds loader but when i try to run vcds i have this error i tried to plug in pc nothing tried to plug in car nothing before update was working perfect any ideas? using windows 7 32bit. Here is pictures with my cabble and what error i have.
Question 198: by miki miki Mar 4, 2021
unzip pass
tank you
vcds 1,22,1
v2 VIIPlusLoader-08.021.01-FR-Installer unzip pass
tank you
Question 199: by mauricio grimaldo Apr 2, 2021
buen dia solicite el articulo COBD25284 mi ID de transaccion de paypal es el siguiente 2V831370V2469362R he tratado de rastrearlo sin embargo me aparece como inexistente, lei que me mandarian ami correo el codigo de rastreo de DHL sin embargo no he recibido nada , podrian mandarlo a este correo
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 5, 2021
hi, there has been tracking information updated. You can track it again.
Question 200: by Mr. Tim Tennant-Pain Jan 6, 2022
In November you supplied Item No.COBD2477, MINI VCI J2534 FOR TOYOTA TIS Techstream Firmware V2.0.4 Software V15.00.026 Single Cable Support VPW protocol. I have just got arround to try to install the software and I get an
"CRC error: The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Toyota Diagnostics\Techstream\EU\Help\techstream_es.chm doesn't match the file in the setup's cab. file"
I also get a similar error with the "\NA\Help\tech99d5.rra" file.
I have tried to install on Windows 10 and also Windows 7 (64 bit).
Please help to resolve this issue.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 9, 2022
hi, you need disable the secure boot of win10 first, get the full administrator rights.
if you have problems on the installation on win10, please install it on win7.
Reply #2 by Mr. Tim Tennant-Pain Jan 12, 2022
Hi, thanks you for your response.
I should have said in my original mail, that I did install the Techstream software in Administrator mode.
On Windows 7 (64 bit), I did try what you suggested and it made no real difference to the ability to install all the files. Just this time it complained about different files.My conclusion is that the the Techstream software is corrupted on the CDE that you supplied.
So I downloaded a copy of the Techstream Ver 13.00.022 from another source and that installed OK.
I've used the "TS_loader" shortcut and that executes Techstream OK.
The "MVCI Driver for TOYOTA" on your CD also won't install, but extracting the files from the Windows Installer and installing it manually and adding the drivers works OK.
The XHorse "FirmwareUpdate Tool" > Device Info, works OK and shows Model: MVCI-T, Firmware: 2.0.4
BUT with the cable connected to the laptop ad the car, with the car ignition turned on, when Techstream tries to "Connect to Vehicle", it fails "Unable to connect to VIM". Within Techstream, the Setup > VIM Select, only shows "TIS Techstream VIM", is this OK, or should it be showing the XHorse option?
Please can you advise how to proceed?
Many thanks
Question 201: by Sebastian Schöllhorn Apr 15, 2021
Hi there,
I ve just become a member on ChinaOBD2 webpage. I wanted to set my password but it does not work, if you please could assist would be really appreciated. Thanks
Kind regards
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 19, 2021
your password is 1Lepopel
Question 202: by Paul Curran Apr 16, 2021
I don't have a CD drive on my laptop - where can I download the actual software instead?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 19, 2021
Hi, the download link is
unzip password:
Reply #2 by Paul Curran Apr 4, 2022
Hi, I need to download the VCDS software again. the previous link is not working.
Thank you
Reply #3 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 4, 2022
vcds 20.42
Reply #4 by Paul Curran Feb 5, 2025
Hi, I need to get a copy of the software again, thank you
Question 203: by Michael Zauner Apr 22, 2021
HI guys,
I wrote with a guy from you serveral times regarding installing and registering VCDS, but it's not possible.
I need a solution what to do with this package and what's about getting my money back?
I explained my situation very well via several e mails and messages on whats app and it was not possible to get a solution.
So please give me a short feedback if I can send you the package back to get my paid money back from you.
Thanks and regards
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 23, 2021
hi, from the message, you success to install the software on one of your computer, and be able to use it. the product is no problem.
if you need to use it on win10, you need disable the secure boot of win10, and disable windows defence, anti virus software.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 23, 2021
after you disable the secure boot of win10, and disable windows defence, anti virus software, you can send a request file to us, regiester the cable again.
it is the best to install it on win7 . it will be more easy.
Question 204: by dirk Aug 29, 2021
Question 205: by Thomas Andersson Sep 7, 2021
I have a VXDIAG VCX NANO 2014D For Volvo Car Diagnostic but not the software.
Can you provide DVD or download?
Question 206: by jaramillo jaramillo Mar 11, 2021
new login ID-1476648361 password frb879 let me know thank you.the computer is on
Question 207: by jaramillo jaramillo Mar 11, 2021
new login ID-1476648361 password frb879 let me know thank you.the computer is on
Question 208: by Luc Mercier Mar 28, 2021
i bought a Autek ikey 820 key programmer i read watch anything about it on internet to have information and anything about it How work how activate any any any thing to learn abouut it
plus many email to Appolo Tan to make it work
i follow all thing who told me all the way to do it and i tried that toll on 2 cars Toyota Rav4 2006 didn't work
Yaris 2011 didn't work i'm not a beginning guy on car and on PC
i work 20 year on pc informatic and many year too on car
but i'm very disapointed on that machine i paid 685$ CAD
is like i put my money on garbage i cannot do nothing with this machine .
And before i buy i asked information if that machine do the yaris 2007 and up and he told me yes and sended me the list .But in the list of Yaris the list start only at 2010 and after i have 2012-13-14-and 15.
and what is the authorized license nobody tell me about it
and where is that license ?????
i work only on Toyota but that machine didn't give me sastisfaction and if doesn't work for i better send you back for a refund cause why spend that money if itdoesn't work .
So find a solution or send me a RMA
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Mar 29, 2021
please look at the product details carefully,
Autek IKey820 Support G and H Chip all key lost and FORD to year 2018+, please pay license
Autek IKey820 Support GM, Grand Cheokee and Dodge Durango to year 2017+, please pay license
only these two need the 18 digit licese, the other cars and functions don't need to buy the 18digit license.
and I have contacted the factory, they said there are lots of videos on youtube, you can try to learn to how to use it,
after use the update tool to activate get the tokens , you will be able to program most of keys.
Question 209: by Pedro Toruno May 8, 2021
Hi: I got an E-mail for order cancelation Car key programmer Godiac K103
Could you recommend me another similar, Please
Question 210: by Panyi Bálint Oct 5, 2021
Good Afternoon.
I wonder if it includes the parhfinder software?Or How reliable is the device?
Thank you.
Best regards : Bálint Panyi
Question 211: by jaramillo jaramillo Mar 11, 2021
new login ID-1476648361 password frb879 let me know thank you.the computer is on
Question 212: by Sebastian Arnold Mar 20, 2021
Hi Guys, I forgot to submit my phone number to you...
Here is my phone numer:
Greetings - Sebastian
Question 213: by Lisa Woollock Jun 21, 2021
Hi, The item does not work ,it does not connect to the car
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 23, 2021
you need install the software on xp system. it can not works on other system.
Question 214: by Bagi Bence Jun 28, 2021
Hi i order a VAG182-B and riceved an VGA204 and its a diferent one and dont work
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 28, 2021
hi, VAG204 is the updated version of VAG182-B, please follow the instruction to do.
look at the instructions in the CD.
Question 215: by Mark Francis Mar 18, 2021
We ordered 2 items on 7/2/21 and they have not arrived. We don't have access anymore to the email address that was used only thing I have is Paypal transaction number 763448137v9723237 can you help ?
Mark Francis
Question 216: by Goran Goranovic Jun 25, 2021
I did not receive your device on order CO2011181076. What to do?
Thanks in advance!
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 25, 2021
hi, thanks for let us know, the package of your order has been shipped out.
I will contact the post office at tomorrow. once get any news about the package, I will let you know.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 217: by Mt Thein Jul 18, 2021
I cannot join iProg+ device to computer. When I up USB, I received message of it cannot recognize device. So how can I solve that problem.
And the other thing, I bought iProg+V84.rar. When I extract it, checksum error in the encrypted file iProg\.... is dropped.
Please massage for me.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jul 21, 2021
hi, you need install the driver first.
look at the vido in this link, follow the video to do.
note, the best system for iprog is win7.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Question 218: by Mr. Ramy Elrefaey Aug 13, 2021
hi ..
i bought the GM MDI2 from you couple months ago, and just today i try to hock it up
firstly i downlead and install GM software (v8.5.33.78) from bosch, then i open MDI manager, but unfortunately it doesn't recognize the MDI2?
can you advice where the problem?
i can send screen shot if its allowed
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 17, 2021
I just checked your order histrory, I havenot found the order for GM MDI2,
I think you should install the driver of GM MDI2, you can buy the HDD with GM MDI2 software from us, all the software has been instsalled.
it will be more easy to use.
Question 219: by Sándor Attila Apr 11, 2021
Am I interested in using this tool to rewrite the ABS eeprom unit?
Car: Renault Scenic 3
Best Regards!
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 12, 2021
hi, you can buy
Question 220: by hassan Apr 16, 2021
Question 221: by Mr. Abdullah Gökalp Oct 18, 2021
Dear Sir,
today i've made an order with the Number CO2110180785.
But why I cannot see in my membership Login no overview for the order I've made?
Thanks for helping
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 19, 2021
hi, your order is at
please login at
Question 222: by Mr. PEDRO TORUNO May 5, 2021
I made an order on April 17, 2021 (godiagK103 car key programer) but you don't let me know about the delivery. could you say something about if you shipping the item, thanks.
Question 223: by Casper May 23, 2021
Hello, can you help me install my sdp3 program, i bought it from you.
I will pay you to help me.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 May 27, 2021
Hi, you can place an order for the installation on our site,
now the latest version scania sdp3 is 2.48.1
after complete the payment , please send the todesk id and password ot us.
you can click this link to download todesk.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 224: by Ron Spicer Jun 16, 2021
I see no action on this item. I emailed twice looking for a status and shipment info.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 17, 2021
hi, this item is out of stock, we need to wait the factory to send it to us, please wait several days.
Reply #2 by Ron Spicer Jun 17, 2021
Why does it still list as items in stock on web page.
Why no back order notification.
These would be nice to know as it ripples into my jobs.
You should REFUND and cancel as not meeting in stock as listed.
Reply #3 by Ron Spicer Jun 22, 2021
Again cancel my order and refund.
You failed in identifying a back order and listed item in stock. I purchased with that understanding not purchased expecting out of stock delays.
REFUND my money.
Question 225: by abdulsalam saber Sep 7, 2021
i have old x431 with serial number: 985496001746 and action code : 93005043 as attached pictures ,, i still have the main tablet but the vci was lost in car ,, so i buy from you a new vci dbs car 5 with serial number : 985496015416 as atteched in picture,, pleas if you give-me a new action code for this vci or active this new vci instead of the old one that lost
Question 226: by Mr. John Craig Sep 10, 2021
I am looking to get latest software for the tools from the above order. Some of these tools say unable to carry out adaptions needs to be licensed tool when using V20.3 software direct from rosstech website. Can you arrange for firmware to go to on google drive please. Also will this resolve this issue please.
Many thanks John
Question 227: by Ryan Edge Oct 15, 2021
I've received my order now but i don't seem to be able to communicate with the car properly. The CIM I-Bus response test is successful but the CIM P-Bus response test fails.
Is there anything i should try? Or is this adapter faulty?
Question 228: by Nikolay Kalinovskiy Jul 20, 2021
I paid Items Total:US$59.00 Shipping Cost:US$26.00
Why was another $4.25 "handling fee" added to my order without my knowledge? I'm already paying $26 for shipping & handling, the two are always in one charge. My invoice on here says $85.00, while my paypal was billed for 89.25. You just slapped on a 4.25 fee without so much as asking or telling me? I had to find out on my statement. Very deceptive practice! I will be contacting paypal about this
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jul 21, 2021
hi, friend, the price on our site, don't inlucde paypal handling fee, if you donot want to pay the paypal handling fee, you can choose bank transfer or wester union.
Question 229: by Brian Hardaker Aug 23, 2021
Can you please tell me where I can download Baochi Cloud Diagnostic software version for Android?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 24, 2021
Hi, you can download the software of svciing from this link:
Reply #2 by Brian Hardaker Aug 25, 2021
Hi the link you sent does not allow me to download the android version of the software for SVCI ING Nissan
Reply #3 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 25, 2021
hi, you need download and install the software on your computer, it need windows 7 or win10.
it is the best to install it on win7.
Question 230: by William Gaskins Aug 27, 2021
transaction number- 7HF247545V359124B
I want to track my purchase.
your order tracking is broke, it won't accept my Email.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 28, 2021
hi, please tell us your phone number for shipping reference. I have sent you seveal emails, but havenot got any reply.
Question 231: by Mr. giorgi gogitauri Dec 31, 2022
Yesterday I was buy this item - CO2212317646, can you check it and write me when it's will be shipped?
Transaction ID: 68H569563F0679209
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 1, 2023
hi, we will ship the package out today.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 1, 2023
the tracking number of the package is SF1443851842549 , it will be deliveried at tomorrow morning.
Question 232: by kevin thompson Aug 11, 2022
hi im a local mechanic at 2703 county road 190 liberty texas i have wasted a ton of money on ob2 scanners that say the do this and do that i havent find one that i like yet so im looking for a oppurtunity to be able to help you prommote scanners if you could send them to me to test them out then i upload me useing them on you tube to help promote you help me i help you if intrested let me know Evals EERF is my shop
Question 233: by Mr. victor da silva Jan 8, 2023
Hello, I have already bought two vas 5054a diagnostic interfaces and I have lost the cds supplied with Software Version: V19 (VASPC), I want to buy the cds from you again and need quickly by download link, it would be easier and faster, can you ? thank you, victor
Question 234: by Matthijs van der Walle Jan 10, 2023
i received the piwis 1 odb cable but there is no cd in the package which contain the software.
can you provide me a download link to the software?
best regards,
Question 235: by robert pallister Jan 26, 2023
dear sir could you please ship order it's been a week and still not shipped thank you for your help
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 27, 2023
hi, we have shipped the package out today. you will receive the package soon
Question 236: by Mr. Angel Anel Mar 15, 2023
I ordered this item over a month ago and have note received it, I can not wait any longer to complete the work on this vehicle. I am requesting a full refund to the original payment method at this time.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Mar 16, 2023
hi, from the tracking information, the package has been deliveried. you can contact usps, your local post office.
the tracking number of usps is : 420334709214490270334925121145
check your post box. the package was deliveried at your post box.
Question 237: by Chris hansen hansen Sep 28, 2023
Please leave us your phone number for shipping reference of
Order CO23092711303
My phone number
+45 31724972
Question 238: by norman sandbach Oct 24, 2023
I need to download the new loader for VCDS. I even tried to buy the new loader, but I don't see an order number.
When I try to enter my order number it doesn't work to let me download.
My order number is CO2009150919
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 25, 2023
CO23102411379 , hi, you need enter this serial number.
Question 239: by Luca scarinci Nov 24, 2023
Hello I want device to odometer correction to vw up from 2016...
Can you suggest something?
Question 240: by Mr. Dariusz Barański Dec 4, 2023
I bought a UCDS interface from you. Today I received the parcel and I have a problem with the disc, I can't read it.
Order number CO23112511470
Question 241: by Hector Aug 22, 2023
Hello is this item available SmartPRO 5000U-PLUS Programmer 5000u Plus Universal USB Programmer Support NXP PCF79XX NCF29XX Serial Chips
Question 242: by Hector Aug 22, 2023
SmartPRO 5000U-PLUS Programmer 5000u Plus Universal USB Programmer Support NXP PCF79XX NCF29XX Serial Chips
Question 243: by jason harris Nov 22, 2023
I can't find this. PCMTuner Flash V1.2.7 Download
and hardware registration no response. I follow instructions and nothing no reply.
This box is useless to me. I can't do anything!
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 23, 2023
hi, please tell me the register code to us, we will send you the activation code.
Question 244: by Josip Stajfer Sep 9, 2023
Hello - I am looking at various Autel products to make a new key for my car, all keys are lost so we cannot use the car. The car is Renault Duster, year 2017. There are several Autel products but I am not sure which one of them would be capable to make the new key. I don’t have a spare key so the product would need to read the necessary code from the car. Thank you for your help.
Question 245: by Dan Richards Sep 25, 2023
I recieved an email stating that I needed to submit my phone number. I went to my profile and put in that information. I keep getting emails asking for my phone number. What did I do wrong?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 26, 2023
it is ok now. I have add your phone number
Question 246: by Viviana Balderrama Dec 14, 2023
This requires a software key.
Can you provide me with the software key?
I went to PCM tuner but they are not answering.
Without the software key I cannot use it and need to return.
Question 247: by Frank Täger Oct 5, 2023
I can check in on your site to leave my number.
The email is not listet.
How can i do this?
My number for the Order ID CO2309251077
Is +49531/5906441
Thank you
Question 248: by Mr. PHACHOK JANPETCH Nov 20, 2023
Please ship to New Address : ( Mr.PHACHOK JANPETCH )
i added Address Books
Question 249: by Mr. Chris hansen hansen Nov 23, 2023
My tlf. nr. +45 31724972
Question 250: by Claudio Oct 29, 2023
Question 251: by Mr. Onome Akpobome Nov 16, 2023
Kindly activate my PCM tuner
Name: Onome Akpobome
Type of Equipment: PCM Tuner (Magic car tool)
S/N: 202204010471
Thank you.
Reply #1 by Mr. Onome Akpobome Nov 23, 2023
A big thank you to Apollo Tan and the entire support obd team, my PCM tuner box has been activated and is fully functional. Your support is greatly appreciated
Question 252: by sean kerr Nov 20, 2023
Hi I'm looking to buy a full unlocked think diag2, is your think diag2 fully unlocked for all vehicles? Do i need to subscribe every year? Do i need anything else for this to work? And i assume i can install it on any android tablet? Thanks
Question 253: by enrique Jul 18, 2024
I need solve ...
I installed a vcds and my computer was infected with ransomware which blocked all my files.
Question 254: by Martin Hubert Nov 19, 2021
I want buy a vcds interface, but the shipping cost are to high. Can you help me?
Thank you
Question 255: by Satta Roberto Nov 26, 2021
Avete uno strumento per correggere i km di questa autovetura?
Question 256: by Mr. RP Auto Repair Radoslaw Patora Jan 27, 2022
why my order ktm 1.20 32in1 coming without cd ??
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 27, 2022
donot worry, we will send you the download link.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 27, 2022
this is the download link of 32 in 1.
Reply #3 by Mr. RP Auto Repair Radoslaw Patora Jan 27, 2022
ok,do you have diagrams for connection ecu in boot and bench mode ??
Question 257: by Mr. Rawad Alyousfi Jan 31, 2022
We Received this item COBD27047 is not 14 pin its 9 pin
Question 258: by Williams Asenjo Feb 13, 2022
hello I have an OBCD cable with all updates.
The problem is that the cable is recognized on the computer, but if I want to do something on the car, the system says that my interface is not identified, so the cable is not useful to me, and I cannot make any changes to my Golf 5.
Offer feedback
Kind regards
Williams Asenjo
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 25, 2022
hi, what kind of obd cable do you have, friend? please send a photo to us.
Question 259: by Williams Asenjo Feb 15, 2022
i can't use the cable yes when i do the software shows me that the cable has no current licenses.
the software recognizes the cable but when i connect it to the car it shows that i need a licensed cable and therefore cannot make any changes to the car
ask for help if you can't help me i will send the cable back to you.
Kind regards
williams asenjo
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 15, 2022
hi, you should no install the viipluslodaer to update the firmware ,
before the installation you need disable the secure boot of your computer system, disable the anti virus software.
the software download link is:
download this software. there are installation video in the file. follow the video to do.
Question 260: by Mr. Delano van Laar Feb 17, 2022
MTCN: 119-099-8187
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 20, 2022
OK, thanks for the payment, I will deal with your payment soon.
Question 261: by Jason Bradbury Feb 19, 2022
I am trying to install VCDS 20.4.2 in English that came with my new cable but I just get an error that says "Installer integrity check has failed".
It will install the Dutch version but this is no good to me I need the English version.
Please can you help me with this?
Kind regards
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 20, 2022
HI, the cable support both Dutch and English. you can choose to install English Version.
there are instructions in the CD, please follow the instructions to do.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Question 262: by Elham Samari Feb 22, 2022
Please confirm this product is in stock?
Question 263: by Michael Guay Mar 10, 2022
my phone number is 18195274323
i very need urgently!!!! Thanks for all ;)
Question 264: by Jarkko Orasjärvi Feb 14, 2022
I have discussed about this problem for some time now, and your reply has been "Use windows xp"
Finally I got myself an old pc with xp and still it doesn't work.
It doesn't recognize the cable. Software is the one you gave link to me.
Driver is installed before connecting to car.
Please advise.
I can send pictures if you wish.
Question 265: by lubin Mar 2, 2022
bonjour, je souhaiterais avoir le mot de passe de décompression pour le : VCEMD Hex-V2 VIIPlusLoader-08.021.04
VIIPlusLoader-08.021.02- FR-Installer.
je vous en remercie d'avance.
Question 266: by Ric Mar 10, 2022
Hi. Do you still offer techstream with the updated v2.0 obd cable? If so, are there any shipping delays to the U.S.?
Question 267: by C.H. van Holland Apr 13, 2022
I need the password for:
Download link:
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 13, 2022
hi, the password is
Question 268: by Hans Frisch Apr 19, 2022
Please help me
My Porsche Piwis dont work anymore. I buy this PC last year from you. For now i get This trouble codes
"license of the vci is expired Please update the vci"
So please help me , what is to do ??
Best Regards
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 20, 2022
let me check that, please wait.
Question 269: by c orchard Apr 27, 2022
hi can i have the password for the .rar file?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 28, 2022
hi, the password is
Question 270: by Mr. Ms Max Apr 28, 2022
Just checked where my parcel is and it says returned to sender.
Can you please let me know why?
And also when will I receive it?
I'm waiting for the interface for my tests.
Thanks and regards, Msmax
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 28, 2022
hi, we have reshipped a new packge to you.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 28, 2022
the package has been reshipped. you will recieve the package soon.
everything is fine.
Question 271: by Kendon L Pesnell May 5, 2022
I would like to get my NP tools hu100 warrantied, it broke on first use.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 May 5, 2022
you should be wrong used it. You were pushing so hard that it breaks, if it is broken, we can not provide replace service.
Question 272: by Mr. Martin Castrovinci May 10, 2022
Hi, I need to buy another item, but i see there is a change in final price.
Please, can you sell me another item at the same price (29.00 Dollars).
Please reply.
Question 273: by Mr. Vinh Burton Smith Feb 25, 2022
Could you please confirm if the order been sent.
Question 274: by lubin Mar 1, 2022
bonjour, je souhaiterais avoir le mot de passe de décompression pour le : VCEMD Hex-V2 VIIPlusLoader-08.021.04
VIIPlusLoader-08.021.02- FR-Installer.
je vous en remercie d'avance.
Question 275: by Mr. Vinh Burton Smith Mar 8, 2022
Just to let you know my order arrived today and I have tested it and it is fully working. Thank you v. much
Question 276: by Mr. nabil mameri Mar 14, 2022
if you need unzip password: please contact our on our online support team by email,
Question 277: by Carsten Paßler Mar 18, 2022
Möchte Stecker für VCDS Hex 2 Stecker kaufen Danke
Question 278: by Dmitry Kurochkin May 7, 2022
Dear Miss or Mister,
i bought years ago an HEX-V2 adapter from you.
USB Interface for VCDS
I lost the software and would need some support.
Downloaded the 20.4 version from you website, but it is password protected.
Can i pleas have the password for the software.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Dmitry Kurochkin
Question 279: by Mr. Vili Luukkonen May 16, 2022
i accidentally put another order i only wanted one. can this be deleted in my order page ?
Question 280: by Luis Cobtreras Jun 28, 2022
não consigo baixar o firmware no aplicativo
Question 281: by Rico Aug 14, 2022
Im interested in your tools.
We got these cars:
-mini cabrio 2009
-audi tt 2005
-chrysler aspen 2008
-jeep renegade 2019
Im looking for a tool for:
-diagnostic, faults
-actuating (exp. some solenoid, cylinder deactivation magnet, ....)
-coding ecu (exp. Daytime running lights, country code...)
-Which of your tools can this?
-is the tool still usable after the updaten time?
-max 1000dollar
Thanks, Rico
Question 282: by Maik Joksch Aug 27, 2022
Hello, I have changed my address to In der Distelkuhle 7a 45359 Essen can you please change my address in my order CO2208272733. Thank you very much
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 27, 2022
hi, please tell us your correct shipping address
Reply #2 by Maik Joksch Aug 27, 2022
Address : In der Distelkuhle 7a
45359 Essen, Germany
Question 283: by Kristoffer Teuber Jun 8, 2022
I have tried the adapter, and if not connected to the car, vcds finds it, no issue.
As soon as I connect it to the car however, vcds says: "Interface Not Found".
The adapter lights up green when connected to the car, so it appears to be working.
I have tried two different cars, same issue.
I have tried ross-tech english latest, and latest swedish variant (one older version), same issue.
Can you send me a replacement?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 8, 2022
hi, did you install the vcdsloader correctly? every time you need click to run the vcdsloader first, then click start vcds from the loader.
there are intructions and the latest version software in the link. follow the instructions to do.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 8, 2022
we have sent you the software download link , I think that you should not read the emails.
Reply #3 by Kristoffer Teuber Jun 9, 2022
Hello again.
I have now installed it as per the instructions on a fresh win7.
VCDS English, 20.4.
Starting vcds-loader (1,20), with the device-driver installed, cable connected to the car, pressing 'Device Details' gives the error: 'Obtain the device data exception. ID Code: 00000003'.
Not sure what to do here, any suggestions?
Reply #4 by Kristoffer Teuber Jun 9, 2022
I also tried the 'register-flow' in your video, but I don't have the register-file.
I suppose you provide this?
Reply #5 by Kristoffer Teuber Jun 15, 2022
Hello again?
I still need directions of how to get the register-file that you show that you can provide in your video?
Reply #6 by Kristoffer Teuber Jul 22, 2022
Hello again.
Are you going to answer my questions?
Reply #7 by ChinaOBD2 Jul 26, 2022
Hi, I have told you, send the license file to us by email,
Reply #8 by Kristoffer Teuber Oct 7, 2024
Trying the adapter today, starting using VCDS-loader, I can read the car-info, but when I try to do 'basic settings' on my brakes, it says:
"Error, you need a licenced interface'
What is wrong?
Question 284: by Mr. Kimmo Vähätiitto Jun 18, 2022
I have buy this equipment 14.3.2022 and now it is not working. Only red light is on.
I that any warranty?
Br. Kimmo Vähätiitto, Finland
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jun 18, 2022
hi, what happens on the cable? with in 7days, we can free change a new one for you, after 7days, you can send it back to us to repair, but need pay the repair cost and shipping cost.
if you need repair it, we will send you the return shipping address.
Reply #2 by Mr. Kimmo Vähätiitto Jun 19, 2022
Hi ! It works many time ok, but when i put it in car the led do not change red to green.
What this seven days mean? should i sent it to you with post or how it works?
I know if i sent it to China it takes about two or three weeks .
Question 285: by Bruno Fontoura Jun 25, 2022
Hello, after installing vcds some of the excel files stopped opening and I have this information:
loader crash contact chinaobd2@protonmail
can you help please?
Question 286: by Björn Taxén Jun 30, 2022
Is this interface modified new layout to work on SAAB 9-3 I have read in forum threds that this cabel has to med modified to work but his was 2-3 year ago?
Question 287: by Yousuf Sep 18, 2022
Last couple of months I bought vcds cable hexvag2 came with cd when ever I try to install the software a box popping in stating the vcds outdated. Please help.
Question 288: by Kim Mang Oct 18, 2022
Hallo, ich habe einen Vcds Vag com 16 Obd Stecker und benötige die passende Software auf Deutsch dazu, können sie mir diese per Download senden? Grüße Kim Mang
Question 289: by Aleksandr Korev Jul 27, 2022
Moreover your device does not connect to my vehicle!
And also i have few more claims to you.
Connect with me via e-mail ( ASAP or i have no choice to declare fraud from you and cancel my ordr through the bank.
Thank you!
Question 290: by Lisa Payne Aug 26, 2022
I'm not one to ever do, plan or buy these products for any use.
I've been a victim for the last seven years with your products among other companies that are like you. Here's the similarities! I've purchased at least 20 phones in this time frame as well. I actually was beginning to believe I was going crazy. My boyfriend as crushed anything good with these products. I know it's all about money . I've seen deceased people having their identity stolen and I'm one of them . It is so VIOLATING for me I cry. I know there's nothing I can do at the moment but with a lil more investigation I'll know and I'm hopes your company will be sued among many more. Have a Blessed day.
Question 291: by Rob van der Ploeg Nov 1, 2022
when will my order by installated
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 2, 2022
Thanks for your order on
please download and install todesk on your computer, then send todesk id and password for the installation of scania sdp3.
Waiting for your reply.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Question 292: by Fabrizio Cattafi Nov 20, 2022
the ITA version of vcds has infected my pc, I no longer have access to many files, why is it written in the text file to send you an email? and above all because you asked me for money to clean my pc?
Question 293: by birgit ehrens Jan 23, 2023
you need our fon number
it is in Germany 0049 2520 244
best regards
birgit ehrens
Question 294: by Katerina Modlitbova Dec 28, 2021
Hi i was informed item is not available order number CO2112242093 kindly refund money. Thank you
Question 295: by Juhani Valkonen Mar 18, 2022
I received a unit which doesn't work. When connecting it to the odb port of Mercedes A nothing happens.
Need advise.
Thank you!
Reply #1 by Juhani Valkonen Mar 30, 2022
It took some time to try again using the instruvtions I got from you.
The situation is the same. Nothing happens when I connect the module to the odb connection. No "Diag", no restart. Nothing.
The car is Mercedes-Benz A Sedan model 2020.
Please advise again. Thank you!
-Juhani Valkonen-
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Mar 31, 2022
Newest Activation Tool for Mercedes/Benz NTG5 S1 NTG5S1 Support Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
1. Activate by OBD2 Plug and Play, Easy to use.
2. Connect mobile phone with car only via cable.
3. Support Apple Carplay and Androidauto.(Android auto only support car firmware version from 2016.9)
4. Original Protocol Communication , not effect dealer warranty.
5. For Mercedes NTG5.1 via OBD2
Plug & Play! Just need insert to obd port than active 1 minute to work!
Unlimited use!
Compatible models(COMAND NTG5s1):
A-Class W176 Date of manufacture from 01.2016 to 12.2017
B-Class W246 Date of manufacture from 01.2016 to 12.2017
E-Class W213 Date of manufacturefrom 01.2016 to 12.2017
CLA-Class W117 Date of manufacture from 01.2016 to 12.2017
GLA-Class W156 Date of manufacture from 01.2016 to 12.2017
GLE-Class W166 Date of manufacture 01.2016 to 12.2017
GLE Coupe W292 Date of manufacture 01.2016 to 12.2017
GLE-Class X166 Date of manufacture 01.2016 to 12.2017
CLS-Class W218 Date of manufacture 01.2016 to 12.2017
the item may not work for 2020 cars.
Reply #3 by Juhani Valkonen Mar 31, 2022
Ok, thank you! I wasn't aware of latest date on purchase time. That explains why it doesn't work. :)
Question 296: by Christophe LAGOZ VALDUEZA Mar 28, 2022
Can you merge my 2 account please. These 2 account is on email ""
Thanks in advance
Question 297: by Antti Kaasalainen Sep 2, 2022
Please confirm that your CAT ET OBD2=PIN9 adapter has correct pinout for CAT offroad machine. On one picture, PINA should be + and PIN B should be -.
I need to make sure before connecting to vehicle.
Question 298: by Christian Auger Sep 20, 2022
When can I expect to receive the package ? Would it be possible to address it to me be email as it's a software utility ?
Waiting for your reply.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Sep 21, 2022
hi, it donot need shipping, click this link , enter your order serial number CO2209062754 ,to download the software.
Question 299: by Dorian Krauss Jan 26, 2023
Hi, I can’t log in to see the order status.
Email is not recognized.
The Order Number ist CO2301190958.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 27, 2023
hi, CO2301190958 , this order is at the germany site,
the package has been shipped out today, you will receive th package soon.
Question 300: by gary thomson Feb 1, 2023
hi my 6154 has no comms with any cars,tried on several.
it shows in vx manager and driver ok ,tried on several laptops still same.
please advise as i have not used this device yet.a friend confirmed faulty also
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 2, 2023
what's the system of your computer? please send a video, how did you install it,
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 2, 2023
you can follow this video to do.
Reply #3 by gary thomson Mar 5, 2023
tried on windows 7,windows 8 and windows 10 a mix of 32 &64bit.
had interface tested on bench by expert,bench 14v going in the interface only recognise between 10-11v .
we tried to increase voltage to 14.4 on bench but interface still stays below 12v in odis service & engineering.
thus a warning comes up saying low voltage on software and no comms .we do think this unit is faulty and not worked from day 1,if you can give me information regarding a voltage fix im happy todo so,
please advise
Question 301: by Lukas Ruckg Feb 9, 2023
i have plased an Order.
My Phone Number is 017680093262
Question 302: by ardjan Nov 24, 2022
I have a launch tech usa inteligenge 9.25
I wantto make update software and subscription for online coding and programming
serial number 985193620100
contact me email
Question 303: by Mark Hermarij Jan 14, 2023
i bought V2022.9 BMW ICOM Software SSD Win10 System ISTA-D 4.36.30 ISTA-P 70.0.200 with Engineers Programming.
The SDD works in the laptop but cannot activate ISTA +
It asks for a license.
in the tools folder there is a folder ISTAP key
tried to copy all but does not work
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 15, 2023
donot copy the files, it can not be cloned. the software are Encrypted
Reply #2 by Mark Hermarij Jan 15, 2023
what do you mean?
When i installed this hard drive it would not work in the laptop after trying multiple times.
then i installed the drive in another laptop to see if it boots on that one.
it booted on the second laptop.
So i tried to get it working on the fiirst laptop again and after trying things it worked.
after the boot i tried ISTA+ because this is why i bought this.
when opening ista+ it gives the message:
Unfortunately your local copy is not activated yet or has expired. It's necessary to activate your local installation via an authenticated license. Please follow the steps in the next dialogs.
after this message he gives this key:
then in the tools folder i tried to copy some of the keys but these do not work.
what to do now?
Reply #3 by Mark Hermarij Jan 17, 2023
I would like to know what to do now?
if this software is useless i would like to return it because it is alot of money.
Can this still be solved?
Reply #4 by Mark Hermarij Jan 17, 2023
if there is no responce to solve this problem i have a useless product.
There is no option left for me to file a despute with paypal to get my money back.
Question 304: by Andreas Andreou Jan 20, 2023
Dear Apollo
I need registration for VCDS loader
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 14, 2023
you can send the file to us by email
Question 305: by JOHN THOMPSON Jan 20, 2023
Do you have a device that will program Ford, GM and Chrysler primarily with the J2534-1 and -2 ?
Question 306: by gary thomson Jan 24, 2023
hi can you send me link for drivers please as device unable to get license and not working,
used it once and now saying unable to update license with internet connected
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 27, 2023
this is the driver, you need install the vxdiag manger first.
Reply #2 by gary thomson Feb 1, 2023
can confirm that device has no comms with car,tried on 3 laptops ,shows up on vxmanager ok,driver ok,could i return item please i have not used it yet thanks
Question 307: by mattis Sannerud Jan 28, 2023
hi i bought sdp3. multi. xcome and sops. from u. and tried to install it on my old computer but that dident work. so i been told from one of ur engineers to buy a new computer. is it posibe to get help from you install it on my new computer now mvh Mattis
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jan 28, 2023
hi, one order we can only provide 1 time installation service, but if you install it by yourself, if there are any problems, you can enquiry us.
Question 308: by Royston Heath Feb 16, 2023
Could you please provide unzip password, Many thanks
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 20, 2023
what password do you want?
Question 309: by ede Feb 18, 2023
I've brought an VCDS adapter here which is able for updating.
I install version 20.4 and now want to have version 22.1 from the officiell site.
I try my best but in the new version the adapter won't be accepted.
Could you tell me the right steps from first installation untill close up the updating version.
Thank you.
Question 310: by Harald Fiederlein Feb 22, 2023
I have received my adapter today. I have installed the VCDS 22.10 and the VPlus Loader After I press the start Button , the Device start the update. Than I get the message wrong update. Now I get the message Device not readable Code 0x00000107
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 22, 2023
hi, what's the system of your computer?if it is win10 or win11, disable the secure toot of system, and windows defence, and anti virus software.
install the softwares as administrator.
there is a video in the cd or download file, follow the video to do.
HEX-V2 Link:
Question 311: by Stephanie Sutherland Dec 16, 2022
I need customer service for the NewChip Scanner I have...please email me or call. 714/293-8180
Question 312: by Tobias Dölz Feb 9, 2023
I just got my Adapter and startet VIIPlusLoader
It said the Adapter would need an update. This update went wrong twice and during the 3rd attempt it send illegal device it got blocked.
What now?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 9, 2023
did you follow the instruction to install the software? donot update it directly, you can download the latest version vcds, then use the viiplusloader to start the software.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 9, 2023
or just use the software in the cd. donot update it, waiting the factory publish new loader for the latest version vcds.
Question 313: by Tobias Dölz Feb 9, 2023
I just got my Adapter and startet VIIPlusLoader
It said the Adapter would need an update. This update went wrong twice and during the 3rd attempt it said illegal device and it got blocked.
What now?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 9, 2023
hi, you can update it to the latest version. or reinstall the software.
donot directly upate it. you can ignore the update, or update to the latest version.
this is the latest version software,
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 9, 2023 currently is the latest version, donot update it now. waiting our engineer will publish new loader.
Question 314: by Mr. Roland Rehmer Mar 5, 2023
i can´t activate/register my VCDS DRV 20.4.
Please send my my activate license.
Question 315: by gary thomson Mar 9, 2023
vas 6154a low voltage on odis error
all installation on windows 7,windows 8 and windows 10 a mix of 32 &64bit.
had interface tested on bench by expert,bench 14v going in the interface only recognise between 10-11v .
we tried to increase voltage to 14.4 on bench but interface still stays below 12v in odis service & engineering.
thus a warning comes up saying low voltage on software and no comms .we do think this unit is faulty and not worked from day 1,if you can give me information regarding a voltage fix im happy todo so,
please advise
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Mar 13, 2023
VAS6154 V7.11 :
you can try this software.
Reply #2 by gary thomson Mar 15, 2023
software ok,when i use my j2534 sm pro voltage says 14v with charger but with 6154 it says 11volts and odis does not work under 12 volts.
i cannot get adapter above 12 volts so odis not working
Question 316: by Arto Hynynen Mar 23, 2023
I bay volvo vida systems from you but you have not delivery it to me? I want to know when Ican get product which I have buy?
So here is the recip from paypal about that product. I want to have it and so I ask before I ask Paypal to reset my payment to you.
So pleace let me konow if you have sent it to me!
Maksettu maksutavalla
Nordea Credit
(Luottokortti: MasterCard x-9275)
Kortin tiliotteessa näkyy merkintä PAYPAL *TANYONG.
103,39 EUR
Arto Hynynen
Piitunpolku 9
Tapahtuman tunniste
Myyjän tiedot
Oston tiedot
Volvo 2014D VIDA
Tuote COBD25072
65,99 EUR
Toimituskulut32,48 EUR
Käsittelykulut4,92 EUR
Yhteensä103,39 EUR
Question 317: by Mr. Bertalan Gazdag Apr 8, 2023
Dear ChinaOBD2,
In January this year, I ordered a VAG22.10 cable from you, SN:989510062539 which arrived on 24 January. I received a link from you where I had to download the software. I installed the software as instructed, did the requested test, and got this message:
Port Status: OK,
USB Library Version: 03.02.07,
USB Driver Version: 02.10.00,
Interface: Found!,
Type: Ross-Tech HEX-USB,
Status: Not plugged into Car!
Then I plug it into the car and turn on the ignition, and this message appears
Port Status: OK,
USB Library Version: 03.02.07,
USB Driver Version: 02.10.00,
Interface: Not Found!
What could be the problem? Can you give me some advice? My car is an Audi A6 C6, 2005.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Reply #1 by Mr. Bertalan Gazdag Apr 8, 2023
Specifically, I ordered a V21.3 VCDS VAG COM Diagnostic Cable HEX USB Interface for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, but you sent me a VAG22.10 cable. But I think that the 22.10 is a newer and better version of the cable.
Reply #2 by Mr. Bertalan Gazdag Apr 8, 2023
Windows 7 OS on the laptop
Reply #3 by Mr. Bertalan Gazdag Apr 12, 2023
Dear ChinaOBD2,
I look forward to your reply as soon as possible.
Best regards
Reply #4 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 14, 2023
hi, what car did you diagnostic?
Reply #5 by Mr. Bertalan Gazdag Apr 14, 2023
Dear Staff,
AUDI A6 C6 (4F) 2.4, 130kW, model year 2005.
Best regards.
Reply #6 by Mr. Bertalan Gazdag May 1, 2023
Dear Staff,
any news?
Best regards.
Reply #7 by Mr. Bertalan Gazdag May 19, 2023
Hello Guys,
no new info about my request yet?
Question 318: by Matthias Enjelibert Apr 24, 2023
I've lost my user manual for my old trusty u380. I want to check some data on my new car with it, but I cannot remember some abreviations meaning in the menu. Could you provide me a PDF of the user manual for this wonderful tool ? It would be very kind of you ! Thanks by advance !
M. Enjelibert
Question 319: by Ingolf Haedrich GmbH Apr 25, 2023
I'm currently still having the problem that I can't reset the maintenance on any vehicle with the diagnostic software. Is there a solution or another software version for this?
I can't use the software for my tasks like this and need a solution to the problem.
Ask for quick response.
Best regards
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 26, 2023
2.51.3 is the stable version, you can try it.
Reply #2 by Ingolf Haedrich GmbH Apr 28, 2023
Ok, can you install the version for me or maybe a 2.52 version, I actually bought version 2.53.5. I also need an invoice, can you please send it to me.
Reply #3 by Ingolf Haedrich GmbH May 8, 2023
I would like to ask you to solve my problem again.
Reply #4 by ChinaOBD2 May 8, 2023
the 2.52 is not stable, we donot keep it, 2.51.3 is the stable version
Reply #5 by Ingolf Haedrich GmbH May 8, 2023
then please install the stable version 2.51.3 for me via remote maintenance.
Please tell me the date for the installation.
Also, I still don't have the bill. I ask for delivery.
Reply #6 by ChinaOBD2 May 9, 2023
please send todesk id and password
Reply #7 by Ingolf Haedrich GmbH May 9, 2023
Here is the ID and password:
Can you please send me the invoice then?
Reply #8 by Ingolf Haedrich GmbH May 9, 2023
Here is the aktuelle ID and password:
Can you please send me the invoice then?
Reply #9 by Ingolf Haedrich GmbH May 10, 2023
did you reinstall the software?
Question 320: by Yüksel Artan Nov 30, 2023
Hello i want to buy Dbscar5 xpro 5 software for Android Tablet, is the Dongle on your website a Pro Series Dongle? I want the xpro 5 software with the longest validity for cars and heavy trucks and full open software.
Question 321: by Ben Elson Dec 17, 2023
Could I please have a download link for latest VIIPlusLoader?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Dec 23, 2023
Question 322: by Koterly Norbert Apr 14, 2023
Az egyik termék sorszáma tiltó listán van. Nem lehet regisztrálni. 976991006570 A bluetooth kapcsolat sem jön létre az eszközzel.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 14, 2023
hi, what app did you want to use? the easydiag 3.0 works with xdiag pro, before shipping out, we have tested it.
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 14, 2023
please use xdiag pro , donot use the other app.
Reply #3 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 14, 2023
976991006570 , it is not in the black list of xdiag pro, before shipping, we have created the demo test account of xdiag.
Question 323: by Iqbal majid Apr 17, 2023
Hello can i ship to my forworder in china
Question 324: by Jules Jun 16, 2023
Which Launch tablet is the best for coding BCMs TCMs and ECMs? For a example we had a Audi truck with a swapped transmission and the anti-theft locked the transmission and the donor truck had been junked and we couldn't get the information to code the transmission I have seen a video were someone with a launch tablet was about code the transmission to truck without the old trucks password I want one like that!
Question 325: by Ferdi Cete Jul 11, 2023
Hello Guys,
thank you, we received the product but want to use it.
It ask for activation, can you assist us how to proceed?
Thank you and kind regards
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Jul 11, 2023
hi, there is intruction, manual in the package, follow the manual to do.
Question 326: by John Jul 26, 2023
Kawasaki obd-k01 software download ?
Question 327: by Gilbert Auffret Jul 27, 2023
Would you have a device suitable to clone a key for a renault master van from year 2002 ?
Gilbert Auffret
Question 328: by Mr. Mark Verhoeven Aug 7, 2023
I have bought HEX-V2 from your company. I have tried to download the software from: but this doesn't accept my Order S/N...... (CO23073111166) Please give me a solution so I can use the software and cable. I need it urgently for a car.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 11, 2023
Question 329: by Jed Cadorna Jan 5, 2024
Hi, I ordered a software, can you please send a link where I can download the software. Here's the order #CO24010511573
Question 330: by Mr. Lenny Carden Apr 21, 2023
i'm trying to update the loader to the latest version but it wont accept my S/N
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Apr 21, 2023
hi, the download is only avaiable for the order who pay for the vip update service.
you can download the software from this link.
Reply #2 by Mr. Lenny Carden Apr 21, 2023
When I brought the software it said life time updates. Will that bottom link allow me to update VCDS to the current version?
Question 331: by Edgar Murawski May 25, 2023
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I've tried to get the latest VIIPLUSLoader from
but my order S/N: CO2112232092 doesn't work here. Can you help me?
Question 332: by jose Aug 27, 2023
hola he estado utilizando la diagnosis vida dice sin problemas y hoy me lanza un mensaje al abrir explorer;Loader crash contact
¿cual es el error? cual es la solucion?
gracias de antemano
Question 333: by Dan Richards Oct 14, 2023
I need to know where my order is
Question 334: by norman sandbach Oct 26, 2023
You told me to use this serial number CO23102411379 to download the new loader. I tried to download several different versions and all of them are corrupt. Only the loaders fail to extract, the other file are fine.
Please give me the latest loader that is not corrupt.
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Oct 27, 2023
hi, the loader on our site is the latest version.
note: before you download or use the software, disable the secure boot , windows defence and anti virus software.
it is very important.
install the software as administrator rights.
Question 335: by Mazen Samhat Nov 2, 2023
Hi Purchased the Iprog+ and got a CD but my laptop doesn't have a cd, so i had to download the file but it needs a password to unzip.
Question 336: by Mr. Kanstantsin Hancharou Nov 22, 2023
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Nov 23, 2023
yes, if no renew, you can still use it, just can not update it.
Reply #2 by Mr. Kanstantsin Hancharou Feb 20, 2025
Question 337: by Ms. Samantha Owens Nov 30, 2023
I have ordered SDP3 2.54.2 and Scania Multi Spare Catalogue
Can you please get in touch to arrange installation on my computer
You can phone 00353876140206 or 00353874630203 or email
Thank you
Question 338: by jose Aug 27, 2023
hola utilizo win7 64bits para vida dice y VCDS VAG y al instalar vcds me lanza un error que no me permite trabajar con vida dice. a continuacion le adjunto la nota:
C:\Users\jose\Downloads\Volvo Fault Codes DTC.pdf loader crash contact HAS CAUSED A PROBLEM!
gracias por su ayuda
Question 339: by Monica Gonzalez Oct 13, 2023
I bought this tool but the cd with the software cannot be read, where can I download the software? I cannot use the tool
Question 340: by Kenneth Kristensen Dec 14, 2023
I have a "HEX-V2 Dual-K & CAN USB Interface for VCDS H11-025771" and is trying to install and upgrade the HEX-V2 and use the VCDS 23.11 software version. Secure boot is disenable and Windows Defender is disenable. I install the VCDS 23.11 and run the VllPlusLoader as admin. However it cant find the USB HEX-V2. If I start the VCDS program and test the USB connection, it can find the USB HEX-V2 device. Here is the text from the test:
Port Status: OK
USB Library Version 03.02.07
USB Driver Version 02.10.00
Interface Found!
Type Ross-Tech HEX-USB
Status: Not plugged into Car!
Can you help with the installation?
Question 341: by Mr. thomas ryberg Jan 12, 2024
the phone number for order reference is - +4523201758
best regards
Question 342: by Mr. Sascha Berg Aug 13, 2022
i need a registered file for VCDS 20.4. How can i send you the registration file generated by the VCDS-Loader?
Kind regards
Reply #1 by Mr. Sascha Berg Aug 17, 2022
I've bought with order number: CO2205120876 a diagnostik cable with VCDS from you and need a registration file.
Please give me an email address to which I can send the file for registration.
Thank you
Reply #2 by ChinaOBD2 Aug 27, 2022
Question 343: by Mr. Sie Anjaz Feb 8, 2023
Hello, received the C4, but it also came with a hard drive.
What is the hard drive for?
Reply #1 by ChinaOBD2 Feb 9, 2023
hi, there are software of xentry in the hard driver. replace the hard drive into a computer, start it,
you will be able to see the softwares.
Question 344: by Mike Nov 24, 2023
Please send me your WhatsApp or Skype
Question 345: by Ercan Sep 16, 2020
your message for me, about my mobile number
This Is my call number
015147090643 ( Germany Handy )
Thanks for your order on ChinaOBD2 .
Please leave us your phone number for shipping reference of Order
Phone number is very important for the shipping
Waiting for your prompt reply. So that we can ship the package out on
Best Regards,
OBD2 Diagnostic Tool
Note: This is an automatically generated Delivery Notification. Please do not reply this message.For more information, please click our website:
Question 346: by Marian Catalin Molnar Mar 21, 2022
Mr. Marian Catalin Molnar
Väpnaregatan 53 lgh 1203
Linköping, Osterogotland, Sweden
586 49
Phone: +46720049794
Please enter the delivery address Serial#2 that is correct
Question 347: by robert Aug 9, 2023
Hallo ich würde gerne erfahren wann mein paket ankommt und wo es grade ist und ob es schon verschikt wurde die shipping reference lautet CO23072311150
Question 348: by Yogi Oct 27, 2023
Hello, I want a DBScar 5 Bluetooth dongle for android or iOS , I want a pro series Dongle. With X pro 5 software with ODO. For cars and heavy duty vehicles. 2 year membership or more
Best regards
My mail address:
Question 349: by mark brown Nov 14, 2023
Hi intrested in buying some jlr mangoose calbe do you have a vip code to enter thank you
Question 350: by Mr. Chris hansen hansen Jan 19, 2024
Hallo. jeg har idag modtaget 1 vci3 ordre No. CO24010111564 og den fungerer ikke den er helt død. jeg har købt cs 20 stk forskellige steder og heraf nogle af jer og dette er den første som der er problemer med jeg har afprøvet den på flere pc og samme problem er ingen forbindelse til vci3 så har jeg andre vci3 og de fungerer fint.
Håber at Høre fra dem.
Venlig hilsen
Chris Hansen
Tlf +45 31724972.
Question 351: by Andrea Landi Jan 29, 2024
Hi, how many days does it take to ship to Italy?
Question 352: by Mr. Dariusz Barański May 8, 2024
On 25.Nov.2023 I bought a UCDS adapter. I replaced the computer and wanted to install and run the adapter. The error shown in the photo appears during startup.
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Question 353: by Fran Jul 14, 2024
Código error
Question 354: by David Marjanovic Jul 22, 2024
I miei dati saranno protetti
is there a problem with my oder ? Because the status is "pending".
kindest regards
there is no problem, the package will be sent out today, we will update the tracking number at tomorrow. because the agent just get back to work from the Chinese Spring Festival today.
let me check that, I will reply you at tomorrow
hi, please use the latest version viiplusloader. before that uninstall and delete all the old files viiplusloader.
Ho comprato la presa obd
Numero ordine
is there a problem with my order CO24021611684 ?
Becaus the status is pending ?
we will update the tracking number today, donot worry, everything is fine.
ECU is Simos 10.12a. - do have VW part number if you wish 03F 906 070CM
hi, we have sent all the files to you by email, please check your email inbox. and send the files to dhl to clear the customs assp.
Best regards,
I would like to know, do you have
you may reply me to
Thank you
Utilizing order# CO24021511679
download the install the latest version viiplusloader, before the installation, disable the secure boot of the system ,and disable the windows defence. anti virus software,
install the vcds and viipluadloader as administrator.
I need to purchase the two cables that go to the Piwis Tester 2 Interface. I need the cable that plugs into the laptop and also the OBD cable that plugs into the car. Do you sell these two cables please?
CO2405211337 vom 26.05.2024
CO2404241321 vom 25.04.2024
CO2201042125 vom 14.02.2023
the other order in our german site.
you can login and check that.
Transaction ID
Transaction date
8 July 2024
hi, you can download the software from this link
enter your order serial number: CO24070812065
Can please help what am I missing??
Regards Paul
loader crash contact chinaobd2@protonmail
can you help please?
Order Serial Number: CO24041511894
It is now over 48 hours without any update.
Please update me on the current shipping status of
Order Serial Number: CO24041511894
It is now over 72 hours without any update.
Trying the adapter today, starting using VCDS-loader, I can read the car-info, but when I try to do 'basic settings' on my brakes, it says:
"Error, you need a licenced interface'
What is wrong?
did you have register the cable?
I got a certificate-file in email, long time ago.
Do I have to 're-register' it somehow?
Or do I have to generate a new request?
If I should buy a new one, is this the best option?
this is the latest one, the first generation maybe not work now
Hello again.
I have now gotten the adapter-cable (
Which software-download should I use?
Do I need to use the provided cd-rom-version?
I am waiting for my ordered scanner, but do not see that anything has happened since the day of the order (5 days). Has it been sent? When is it expected to be delivered? Why is the tracking number missing? I feel that I should probably order instead from someone who gives information back and who has stock in Europe with fast shipping. Do you have any positive news?
I paid using paypal, but to wrong shipping address, please ship to the below address
Nader Salem
Verona auto repair
Umm Rammool
Tel: 971506667568
google location
69FF+V7 Dubai
0x9437E24EBA208E1E2AFEB6431EC157CE 0x60FE5A04919AEEDD41DA90760872071C9A2D72A3A34AAC10CF889F1CAB8BFA82
0x60FE5A04919AE EDD410A90760872071C9A2D72A3A34AAC10CFB89F1CAB8BFA82
Please give me feedback on my order it is fully paid
I do not receive emails related to my purchase.
I don't know what happened but the email was wrong on your website.
I have already registered the correct email.
I do not have information about this purchase, nor the shipping track number.
Can you send all this information?
Thank you very much
have shiping to iraq
I have the adapter, bought the software (this should be included in the product-price...)
I payed, got the order-confirmation-page, but no order in your system.
This is the text I got on the screen:
Your payment is complete
Kristoffer Teuber, Thank you for your Order
Please go to Member Center >> order details to Check your shipping address and leave us a phone number for shipping reference , thanks!
Shipping Details:
8 Höjdhoppsvägen 8
- 51735
Your Paypal:
Transaction ID: 9WG929883L555535R
Payment Total Amount: 9.88
Currency Code: EUR
Payment Status: approved
Payment Type: sale
Click here to return to Home Page
I tried to do it again.
This time it's the same thing, no orders, but paypal has reserved the money!
I have now paid twice (2 times) and gotten no order, no software, no loader.
please check your email , friend, I have sent you the download link
Please respond.
hi, this is the tracking url of the package, JOLIET, IL 60435 / Delivered, In/At Mailbox -> Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 1:14 pm on October 25, 2024 in JOLIET, IL 60435.
please check that
My subscription expired a month ago and now seem tool won't connect and showing no internet connection but other stuff works fine with current connected wifi. How do i renew subscription?
the dbscar 7 arrived. But there is no code activation in it. I can't use it. Please help me. THX
Do you have any ready-to-ship items?
yes, which items do you want
chinaobd2@protonmail. com, this is not our email, but you can reinstall the vcds, note: you need delete all the old files, intall the latest version viiplusloader.
I received the ordered cable and CD. On the CD were a 32-bit and a 64-bit program for VCDS 12.12. I could only install the 32-bit version since the 64-bit was corrupted. I have screenshots saved if you need to see them. With the 32-bit version installed, I now have problems with the drivers for the USB cable. The driver in the 32-bit program folder does not work on my Windows 10, and I cannot open or install the 64-bit version. Can you please help me with what to do? I can also send you pictures of the errors.
Thank you for your feedback.
I have added the phone-number to the order.
Did you need anything else to process/ship the order?
I have the adapter, bought the software (this should be included in the product-price...)
I payed, got the order-confirmation-page, but no order in your system.
This is the text I got on the screen:
Your payment is complete
Kristoffer Teuber, Thank you for your Order
Please go to Member Center >> order details to Check your shipping address and leave us a phone number for shipping reference , thanks!
Shipping Details:
8 Höjdhoppsvägen 8
- 51735
Your Paypal:
Transaction ID: 9WG929883L555535R
Payment Total Amount: 9.88
Currency Code: EUR
Payment Status: approved
Payment Type: sale
Click here to return to Home Page
This no longer works!
Why is this?
Can you fix this please?
please disable the secure boot first, and windows defence.
I am using Diagzone for around 2 years. Now my subscription ended. Is it possible to renew it?
I got a Thinkdiag dongle.
I just received my vcds 18.2 cable (item number VAG182). The included cd-rom does not work. I only managed to load the german version of the vcds, but I would like to use English version.
Can you provide a download link for the software?
Dear Arvis,
Thanks for contact us. We have refunded you for this order. OBDSTAR F104 currently is out of stock.
Any questions,welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
the undersigned, state UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that:
- I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner,
of certain intellectual property rights ("IP Owner");
- I have a good faith belief that the listings identified below (by item
number) offer items or contain materials that are not authorized by the
IP Owner, its agent, or the law, and therefore infringe the IP Owner's
rights; and
- The information in this notice is accurate.
Please act expeditiously to remove the listings identified in the
I May Be Contacted At
Name of IP Owner:*Mitchell Repair Information Company LLC
Name and Title:* Abagail Lucero, Security and Compliance Supervisor
Company: Mitchell1
Address:*14145 Danielson Street
City, State, and Zip:* Poway, CA 92064
Email address (for correspondence with eBay):
Email address (to be given to eBay sellers)
Telephone:* 858.391.5000 x6049
Fax: 858.391.6049
*Required field
Item Numbers:
Reason Code:
3.3. Item is an unlawful copy of media (software, games, movies, etc.)
Work infringed: Mitchell On Demand
i need many goods
not any details for contact
phone \
skype link
adress in shenzhen
i am in shenzhen now
Few years ago I bought a Digiprog 3, which never get to powered up.
actually was on May 30, 2014.
I have all the cables and connectors, just don't have the software and the tool as I said never power up, the screen is just blue.
I need to get some work done in a Mercedes benz e320 1997 instrument cluster and was wondering if I can use this tool or do something to fix it.
Item No. C0BD2862
Order Serial No.CO1405300164
Dear Rey,
Thanks for contact us again. Sorry to hear that your digiprog never power up, you should contact us earier within the product quality gurantity time, now it's the best to buy a new main unit , and you can also try to update the machine, refesh the software, but because the machine is 2014, 5years ago, I am not sure it can support to the new update programmer.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
I wanted to use vcds for the first time today!
After uploading the software according to the instructions which is very well described step by step and which went perfectly!
After running the car and computer cable and configuration successfully!
And here the problems begin, namely the cable could not establish a connection with any of my car drivers !!!!
I remind you that the installation went well, the program detected the cable without connecting to the car and saved the settings in the program !!
So I do not understand why he could not connect to any driver even though I showed the car model to the program! could not detect the Getway bus !!
I tried all day !!!!
I am asking for quick reply and help !!!!
Hi, first, please make sure you have installed the drvier software on your computer, if no driver software, then it's impossible for the connection between the your car and computer.
Vag Com cable is desgined for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda cars, from the description of your problem, I think it should be the driver software which is not installed correctly, or not installed on your compuer.
So now you can only reinstall the driver software for VAG COM Cable.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Lucy Wan
Please help
very very slow
Dear Luis,
Thanks for contact us. Because the product is free shipping by airmail post, usually the delivery time is 7-15days or so, your package has been shipped out for several days, you should receive the package soon.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Lucy Wan
do you have alarm code grabber / duplicator ?
similar to Pandora but cheaper ?
Thank you for sending me the cable.
I have a problem copying these two files,ftd2xx.dll VCDSLoader.exe
My computer says 'VCDSLoader.exe' is trojan virus. please explain and advise how to use it. Thank you for your help.
all the files in the CD are not virus, please follow the instruction to do, when you use the vcds software, close the anti virs software.
i need iprog full interface!
but I don't understand the difference between the two programmers that you have with difference in cost!
could you tell me the difference?
thank you
When will the goods that have been transferred have been received and the shipping number?
Can you please provide shipping/tracking number for this?
Best Regards
Have you shipped the products that I ordered? I have already paid
Have you shipped the products that I ordered? I have already paid When can delivery
Have you shipped the product? Have you shipped the product? Why is there no product check with this number 302427420035?
Please check your email inbox, our tech has sent you the download link.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Lucy Wan
Order Date: Saturday, Apr 18, 2020
Can I have a tracking number for my order?
For order serial no. CO2005050565
ok, no problem.
Hello please activate the files software does not work.
I cannot send the files here should I send them by email?
Thank you!
i recieved my item and installed it. Once it worked on my car, Skoda Superb 2018, but when i wanted to read faults from another car, VW Passat 2012, it did not work any more and now it does not work on my car too. Other functions it oes not even start. When i click on test connection software finds interface and shows me that K1, K2 und CAN is ok. When i want to read faults It shows me that function is not supported from gateway. I installed it and use it with firewall, antiviurs turned off and without internet conection. I reinstalled it more times, also with revo uninstaller, Notebook Lenovo T460s, WIN 10 pro, without success. I disconnected cable from interface and connected it again. When i install an older version of VCDS 12.12 it works for Passat.
Best Regards
I reinstalled (recovered) completely my Windows also and installed again vcds and nothing changed. There is still the same error. I tryed it also on another Notebook, also the. It must be Interface.
unfortunately something went wrong with the order. 2 orders were placed
I only want to order once
you can place the order
Please delete.
Yours sincerely
Please the delete the Order CO2004150536 !!!!!
I have two questions :
1 : When will my order ( CO 2004180545 Paid ) be shipped?
2 : There are 2 orders on my accaunt, but I only ordered 1.
Can't you erase this one CO 2004180544 Pending ?
With kind regards,
my order CO2004150535 has arrived. During testing, I found that the wrong version was apparently delivered.
The following was ordered:
Was delivered:
VCDS HEX CAN USB (housing and packaging VCDS HEX V2)
The software (VCDS TEST) and the range of functions (no UDS error codes) says that
Has the wrong cable been delivered or the wrong firmware installed on the cable?
I kindly ask for clarification of the problem.
Sincerely yours
M. Gutsche
Good morning,
thank you for your reply.
Yes the cable works, but as I said it is recognized as VCDS Hex-Can and therefore unfortunately has no UDS error code detection like HEX V2. The life-trimmed cable does not support the full functions of a HEX V2 cable. I actually wanted a Hex V2 cable without an online update. As described in the offer and no cable what 50% VCDS HEX-CAN and 50% HEX V2. The cable doesn't help me much. How can we solve the problem and what cable would I have to buy it like a HEX V2 without an online update?
Yours sincerely
Thank you for your answer,
can you make me a speziels offer because of the misunderstandings?
That would be very nice.
Yours sincerely
Thank you for your response.
The SP5285-D is just a Hex-USB-CAN and not a HEX V2?
Which cable do I have to buy so that it says TYPE "HEX V2"?
Make me a offer?
That would be nice.
HEX -V2 HEX V2 VAG COM USB Interface für VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda
2 years ago i bought:
丹 许
VAG COM 14.10.2 VCDS 14.10.2 Deutsch/English/Spanish/Portugal Diagnostic Cable HEX USB Interface for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda Lat
29,99 EUR
Artikelnr.: VAG1410
I dont know whether it was on your shop ?!
Now my father has tried to update my version and it doesnt work anymore?!
I think it was Version 14.10.2 or Version 16.8(link on desktop) ?? My Cable-SIgn: HEX+CAN Dual-K & CAN <--> USB Interface for VCDS Rev.B
Can you send me an Link to Version 14.10.2 an 16.8 (?) for this cable ? I need the software..
i got a file when i click on generate Registration request and now i dont know how to finish.
please pas for zip arhive
Hope you can help with this problem to thanks Gareth.
Please follow the instructions to do:
First, install Setup_UCDS263.exe
Second,Install UIIIPlusLoader-14.020.04-Release-EN-Installer
after you install the UIIPlus Loader, plug the UCDS Pro to your computer USB 3.0 port, run it as Aministrator, right click the icon of UIIIPlusLoader at the desktop of your computer, choose run as administator.
everytime , when you need to use ucds pro software, you need click UIIIPlusLoader first, then click start UCDS, it's the best right click the icon of UIIIPlusLoader at the desktop of your computer, choose run as administator
hi, where did you buy the iprog? if it from us, please tell us your order Serial Number.
I can't find download link for the software I ordered.
I recieved VCI3 interface, the device does not work properly.
SDP3 connects and then lost communication with VCI3.
Another VCI3 devices working ok.
Video attached:!AsuRBiRUbgGEgRlUQeT_5jEFFg8u?e=MaFqzM
because there are more than 10 different items in this order, some items need ship from the facotry, please give us 3 days or so to deal with your order.
we will ship all the items out at the first time.
please sent me my registraton file for vcds 19.6.
It is stated in the description that it will run with no registration.
But the IDS-Ford is asking for a dealer registration code, else the software is useless!!
please provide this.
i try communicate with vendor but no respond, i already do a full payment
please send teamviewer ID and password to us, our tech will help you download the software files.
please send me tracking number for my order , thanks.
Dear Sirs , please clear situation or i'll send request of refund payment to Paypal. Regards.
please tell us your order serial number
You registered successfully at ChinaOBD2
Your Member ID and Password as following:
Member ID:
Password: 655909
If you didn't create a Member ID, you can use your e-mail address to sign in our website.
Best Regards,
OBD2 Diagnostic Tool
My tel no
015147090643 Germany Handy
Ref code CO2007300791
And I have received just now
Fast service..
I am trying to install it on a computer with Windos XP Prof , where no other diagnostic program has existed before,
How do I do it?
Is there a tutorial . or similar?
Thank you!
the password is
I have a question about SDP software installation.You've installed SDP3 2.44.1 software into my device and I bought another version SDP3 V2.21 VCI2. My question is that if it's possible to have both versions installed on the same device at the same time.
Thank you
Hi, SDP3 2.21 can not be installed on the same computer with SDP3 2.44.1.
Hi, your password is Aleksandar81
you can copy the password, your account is no problem. I just check that.
I have bought from you with version 1.52.Unfortunately it's not working,can you provide me some other version of this software?
Thank you
i have brought car prog and you have send me a cd with it and i have no cd drive on my laptop and when i download it from google it opens but it just says error on everything i click on ?
Hi, you can download the software of carprog v8.21 from this link:
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
I still have PayPal order number and out tour order witch is as follows>PayPal Express Checkout (USD19.99, Transaction ID: 5PR26421M39742444)
Thanks for your order at ChinaOBD2. Your Order #CO1708210140
Our site has been updated, Please go to to check your order information, Your order has been reshipped out by China Post .
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
We have sent your password by Email, please check that.
please register an account first. add the item to shopping cart, choose shipping address, then check out.
i buy star c3 2015 , then i buy hdd disk for dell computer .
i have problem with program, please answer me.
the snooper i buy on this order : CO1801100162
don't work . it's not light up once pluggin , have test on 3 cars , and with another snooper that don't have problem .
how can you solve that ?
Here is my problem - i got a kia ceed sw 2008, but i have Lost the last key, do you have some tools so i can reprogramme immo or delete other keys in the system, or something.. If there are more than one machine there c an do it, please explain why thei are looking forward to hear from you, either by mail or phone
Jan Pedersen
Mail phone :+4542947595
Also, I need to change oil change date using a Clip.
Original renault software can do this.
Which China clip must I buy from your page - ?
in stock?
sorry, this item has been sold out.
Is there an software upgrade available to purchase please
ma commande et que j'aimerai bien cette fois ci recevoir mon colis concernant
cette commande( CO1810010256)
care je n'es toujours pas recu cette commande qui a bien débité de mon compte
mais annulé de votre pars,j'attend bien enttendus un remboucement
ou peu etre un oublie de votre pars (CO1809040270)
can you deliver the device?
Best Regards
Sorry Friend, We will deal with your order now. I will send you the tracking number soon.
i ordered the wrong cable, sorry...
I made another order with the right one, would you please cancel this order (CO1905200296) and
send my money back via Paypal?
Regards Kim
I do not need express shipping, how can I change to a slower and cheaper shipping method? Thanks Daniel
hi, there is a QR code at the packing box, you can scan the QR code to download the software .
The QR code on box doesnt show options for amrican cars, most my work i need amrican cars and English language
The company said the device i got is fake or used by someone who missed the payment
I bought device as new , not used
hice un pedido y no esta la orden del producto y ya esta pagado
Your Order #CO2008140354 information at ChinaOBD2 is as following :
You can get your order last update information anytime at:
Order Tracking
Tracking No.:
Carrier: Airmail Post
Carrier URL:
Order Form Information
Order Serial No.: CO2008140354
Order Date: Friday, Aug 14, 2020
Order Total Sum: US$0.00(Adjusted)
Product Name
Herramienta de escaneo vs450 VAG can OBDII lector de código vs 450
Item No.COBD2749
Items Total:US$35.99
Total Sum:US$35.99
Order Status
Added Time
Aug 14, 2020 20:41:16
Aug 14, 2020 20:42:18
PayPal Express Checkout (USD, Transaction ID: 8FR62072CS762790M)
Thanks for contact us,friend. I will deal with your order now.
checar status del pedido
Sr. alberto ventura 17/9/2020 6:47:04
buenas tardes
hice un pedido y no esta la orden del producto y ya esta pagado La información de
su pedido # CO2008140354 en ChinaOBD2 es la siguiente:
Puede obtener la información de la última actualización de su pedido en cualquier momento en: getOrderInfo.asp
Seguimiento de pedidos
Seguimiento No .:
Carrier: correo aéreo de
Carrier URL:
Formulario de pedido Información
de pedido Nº de serie .: CO2008140354
Orden Fecha: Lunes, 14 Ago, 2020
total del pedido suma: US $ 0.00 (ajustado)
S / N
Nombre del producto
Herramienta de escaneo vs450 VAG can OBDII lector de código vs 450
N.o de artículo COBD2749
Color / Estilo: -
Tamaño / Spec: -.
Los productos Total: US $ 35.99
Suma Total: US $ 35.99
Agregado Tiempo
Ago 14, 2020 20:41:16
A cargo
14 Ago, 2020 20:42:18
Pago exprés de PayPal (USD, ID de transacción: 8FR62072CS762790M)
buenas tardes
hice un pedido y no esta la orden del producto y ya esta pagado La información de
su pedido # CO2008140354 en ChinaOBD2 es la siguiente:
Puede obtener la información de la última actualización de su pedido en cualquier momento en: getOrderInfo.asp
Seguimiento de pedidos
Seguimiento No .:
Carrier: correo aéreo de
Carrier URL:
Formulario de pedido Información
de pedido Nº de serie .: CO2008140354
Orden Fecha: Lunes, 14 Ago, 2020
total del pedido suma: US $ 0.00 (ajustado)
S / N
Nombre del producto
Herramienta de escaneo vs450 VAG can OBDII lector de código vs 450
N.o de artículo COBD2749
Color / Estilo: -
Tamaño / Spec: -.
Los productos Total: US $ 35.99
Suma Total: US $ 35.99
Agregado Tiempo
Ago 14, 2020 20:41:16
A cargo
14 Ago, 2020 20:42:18
Pago exprés de PayPal (USD, ID de transacción: 8FR62072CS762790M)
sorry, this item is out of stock, we have refund you.
leider funktioniert es nicht, mit der beigelegten Software. der loader last sich nicht öffnen.
bei dem Versuch die Software über ihren link (other languages) zu bekommen, scheiter ich an dem Password um die RAR Datei zu öffnen.
Bitte um schnellst mögliche Lösung.
P.S.: was muss ich nach dem Installieren nach der Software machen das es Funktioniert?
muss ich ihnen eine Registrierung Datei schicken? oder funktioniert die Verbindung automatisch?
mit der originalen Software von VCDS bekomme ich keine Verbindung zum Wagen, Interface nicht gefunden.
It is 1 week since I placed my order but I have not been given a notification of shipping. Please advise if my order has been shipped or if there has been a delay.
Thank you,
hi, this cable is till need to waiting the factory ship it to us. Can you wai some time? If you can not wait, we can refund you.
OK to wait. Do you have ETA from factory for information?
Thank you,
Do you have an update on shipping date from factory please. OK to wait.
Thanks in advance,
Bestellung 11.08.2020 !!!
Do you have vag obd helper in stock?
Hi,friend. We will have vag obd helper in stock within 7-15 days.Welcome to place an order on our site.

my whats up number is@ 00966502238528, my email is: ma'
we are Riyadh based Saudi Arabia. we are having 4 Aoto Service centers in Riyadh second Industrial are we need this tool for our work shop purpose usage,, so kindly let me know the other models scanner if you have the love covers all the car functions diagnosis..ok.
Is their any Discounted in this model scanner if you have
What is the status?
it should be very soon. the factory said they will send the cable to us at this week, it should be no problems that we ship the package at next week.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
I Downloaded the software vcds on your website. Now i need a password to unpack it. Can you tel me the password? I dident recive any password whit the vcds.
Hello,the password is
thank you
hi, the password is
This order is in pending status. What does that mean?
Hello,its means that you need to pay for it.,and we will ship it to you as soon as posible.
Hello,we will ship it in seven days.
Unfortunately, something went wrong with the order.
the recipient name is incorrect.
Christian Ludwig is wrong
the right one is Thomas Ritzinger
can you please change that, otherwise it cannot be allocated.
or you can cancel it and I'll order again
Thank you
yes, we can ship package by DHL, when you place orders on our site, you can choose express shipping service, usually, we will ship package by DHL
Patrick Fath
hi, please tell your order serial number. let me check what product did you order.
I can send you the created file.
Remig Maidel
Hello, i ned a answer in this week.
is it also possible for vehicles built in 2020?
Kind regards
Hello. I bought VCDS VAG COM Diagnostic Cable HEX USB Interface
through your company. I installed the program and got Registration File .dat.
Whom should I send the file to get the new registration file.
Thanks for a quick reply. Regards D. Gashi
hi, please send the file to us by email.
hice un pedido y no esta la orden del producto y ya esta pagado La información de
su pedido # CO2008140354 en ChinaOBD2 es la siguiente:
Puede obtener la información de la última actualización de su pedido en cualquier momento en: getOrderInfo.asp
Seguimiento de pedidos
Seguimiento No .:
Carrier: correo aéreo de
Carrier URL:
Formulario de pedido Información
de pedido Nº de serie .: CO2008140354
Orden Fecha: Lunes, 14 Ago, 2020
total del pedido suma: US $ 0.00 (ajustado)
S / N
Nombre del producto
Herramienta de escaneo vs450 VAG can OBDII lector de código vs 450
N.o de artículo COBD2749
Color / Estilo: -
Tamaño / Spec: -.
Los productos Total: US $ 35.99
Suma Total: US $ 35.99
Agregado Tiempo
Ago 14, 2020 20:41:16
A cargo
14 Ago, 2020 20:42:18
Pago exprés de PayPal (USD, ID de transacción: 8FR62072CS762790M)
OBDSTAR X300 PRO3 Key Master with Immobiliser + Odometer Adjustment +EEPROM/PIC+OBDII will this add new smart keys to Nissan micra 2015
my email
Thank you
Order Serial No.: CO2011201082 Order Date: Friday, Nov 20, 2020.
Car vw passat model 2018
Looking forward to hear your feedback
Best regards Torben
You can try it on win7.
please follow the instructions to do.
a. Turn off antivirus such as AVG, McAfee, etc.
b. Disable Windows Defender
now the latest version vcds should be no support works on xp,
on win10, if you follow the instructions to do, it should be no problem.
once install the vcds software, copy the vcdsloader to the installation folder, every time, when you need to use vcds software, click vcdsloader.
unfortunately the tracking number 4966001176 we got for our order CO2011271106 ist not working. Can you please check the status of the consignment for us and let us know where the delivery is now so that we know when we can expect the delivery?
Thank you.
Gentilmente attendo una vostra risposta
Grazie Mille
Hello, I bought this item from another supplier, I didn't know you yet. and once installed after three readings this message immediately came out (the certificate has expired or is not valited. Do you want to update is now?) I would like to become your customer as I have been contacting my supplier for thirty days but to date I have not received no response
I kindly await your reply
Thank you so much
Can you send me the tracking number?
How long will my order arrive?
really sorry for the delay delivery. we choose a wrong logistic company. they said it's very fast. we will never ship package by this company again.
Hello I paid with speedy delivery What is up with my order.
Dear Friend,
Your order has been shipped out by DHL. The tracking number is 6435893306,
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
Regards, Gerold
When I test it generates Error-frames on both CAN-buses.
I've compared it to two other MongoosePro GM II units which does not behave the same.
I would either like a replacement unit or a re-fund.
we can replace one for you.
please send the cable to us by ems,
the return address is:
Attn: Tan Yong
Address: Room B419 ChenShiShangHai Commercial Center, 11 ZhongXing Road, BanTian ,LONGGANG DISTRICT,
Shenzhen Ciy, Guangdong Province, China
Post Code:518219
Please declare the package only 10USD, when you shp the package out, tell us the tracking number.
Once we receive the package, we will ship you a new cable.
Please clarify what "by ems" means?
I will need you to reimburse me for the the return shipping cost, and also the customs for the faulty unit.
Thanks for your order on ChinaOBD2 .
Please leave us your phone number for shipping reference of Order CO2012161175
Phone number is very important for the shipping
Waiting for your prompt reply. So that we can ship the package out on time.
Best Regards,
OBD2 Diagnostic Tool
Note: This is an automatically generated Delivery Notification. Please do not reply this message.For more information, please click our website:
Due to the lack of an answer to the question asked about the cost of return - CONSCIOUSLY sent by the seller another, USD 27.01 cheaper - decoder than ordered and paid,
I ordered: S / N. CO2012071133 # COBD23158 -------- 55.00 USD
I received: S / N 979860706878 # COBD21688 -------- 27.99 USD
I find our transaction unprofessional and from the very beginning aiming at obtaining undue profit by the seller of $ 27.01 In view of the above, I request an immediate refund of the overpayment amount. USD 27.01 has my account from which I made the payment. In the event of no response and a refund of the overpayment, I will take other legal steps and publish the case.
Antoni Skudło
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 15:23, Togra pisze:
Best regards,
Antoni Skudło
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 15:11, Togra pisze:
Best regards,
Antoni Skudło
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 15:00, Togra pisze:
Simple solution :)
Who is to bear the costs of returning the shipment, since the total fault lies with you?
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 14:36, apollo tan pisze:
you can return the package to the following address:
Ship To
Attn: Tan Yong
Address: Room B419 ChenShiShangHai Commercial Center, 11 ZhongXing Road, BanTian ,LONGGANG DISTRICT,
Shenzhen Ciy, Guangdong Province, China
Post Code: 518219
please ship it by ems , or register mail. after receive the package , we will refund you.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Togra" <>;
Date: Tue, Dec 29, 2020 09:34 PM
To: "support"<>;
Subject: Re: Antoni Skudło-My order is: S / N. CO2012071133
Good morning
Unfortunately, this device is of an older generation - I already have it.
That's not what I ordered. !!!
This is also evidenced by the price difference !!!
The fault of this NON-PROFESSIONAL transaction is entirely on your side.
I am definitely interested in returning the shipment I received and I would like to ask you to resolve the return shipment.
Best regards,
Antoni Skudło
W dniu 2020-12-29 o 14:13, support pisze:
Thanks for contact us.
Because the item you ordered is out of stock, and the function of these two items are 100% the same.
Any questions, wel Lishi HU66 v3 is also a famous brand tool, if you don't like it, you can return it to us, we will refund you.come to contact us.
Apollo Tan
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Togra"<>;
Date: Tue, Dec 29, 2020 09:09 PM
To: "support"<>;
Subject: Antoni Skudło-My order is: S / N. CO2012071133
Good morning !
I have received a parcel / 29-12-2020 / which is inconsistent with the order. My order is: S / N. CO2012071133 Super Auto Decoder And Pick Tool HU66v.3 Item no. COBD23158
I received a completely different product with the order designation S / N 979860706878 Item # COBD21688 I am asking you to solve the problem that has arisen for me.
Antoni Skudło
Good morning
Sorry - maybe my English is not perfect as I use a translator.
I received a refund of the difference in value - but as a result I was forced to buy a worthless decoder for me, which I will notify POTENTIAL BUYERS, CUSTOMERS - YOUR CONDUCT WILL GIVE BAD FEEDBACK TO OTHERS.
Antoni Skudło.
One key makes no noise, but two keys are already buzzing.
W dniu 2021-01-05 o 11:01, support pisze:
> Hi,
> we have refund you 27.01USD by paypal.
> COBD23158, this item currently need to wait he factory manufature it, it need about two weeks, it will come back to in stock.
> but the price is rising. now it need 69USD.
> any questions, welcome to contact us.
> Best regards,
> Apollo Tan
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From: "Togra"<>;
> Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2021 05:53 PM
> To: "support"<>;
> Subject: Re: Antoni Skudło-Moje zamówienie to: S / N. CO2012071133
> Good morning !
> With whom do I have the pleasure to correspond?
> Sincerely
> Antoni Skudło.
> ..........................................................................................
> W dniu 2021-01-05 o 08:36, support pisze:
>> Hi,
>> thanks for contact us.
>> we will refund you the difference price. ok?
>> 55-27.99 = 27.01USD
>> ok?
I bought ucds pro 2.0.7 ( order CO2011041021)
Unfortunetely loader from cdrom is not working. please give me instruction or another loader , because i can not start ucds. I have win 10, no antivirus. I have very old loader and with this old loader i can use cable, but not with this version from order. So, please help me with problem.
So, loader not working like should. He can not recognize cable.
Best regards,
I downloaded new vcds 21.3 but need new update VIIplus loader to update and use new version of vcds 21.3
tanks a lot
I am interested in byiing of Foxwell NT520 Pro for Mercedes Benz W213. The car was made in 2019, so that scanner can scan all instruments in MB W213 car?
Foxwell NT520 Pro can code and adopt some function in electronic system of MB W213 car?
Please let me know, if buying of Foxwell NT520 Pro is good decisson for scanning all parts ofMB W213 car.
Best regards
how can i update to newest vcds?
i downloaded newest vcds (20.12.0) plus the VCDS 20.12.0 Loader.
install vcds first then start loader? then update firmware? do i need to register again?
thanks for help
ps: since my pc crashed i had to reinstall windows 10.
ok, got it. i took the old loader.
but please check email now.
i get error code. my email is ""
Received item, but it seems not working with Tech2win for Saab.
Please advise.
Best regards
I can't send the receipt picture The money will come under the name Sevim Özdiş
please ?
thanks joe
Hi, do you have a ktag and renew cable for the ecu? it is the best to find an englinner to help you program it.
no we need to buy one we use autel in the shop and they haveing problem supplying us with the file s for the car we are installing the unit into
Good morning
how long will my order arrive?
Thank you
Hello,please don't update the software now, just wait the factory publish the latest vesrion new ucdsloader.
is possible to provide me first five numbers from SN of these two products?
I wan't to buy it, but need to be sure if SN is correct before I order it.
Product 1 - Launch Golo3:
Product 2 - Launch Easydiag 3.0:
Kind Regards,
i have just paid an order with PayPal and was then logged out of your system.
I previously registered with you on your website.
my account name or login email address is
Now your system tells me when I wanted to log in again that there are no users with the mail address I can no longer track my order or order additional items.
Please correct the error
Thank you
frederik klobe Germany
Please note that i have not recieved CMD can with order no.CO2101261290
I have already paid cmd can product amount 27,99 dollars and shipping charges.
Kindly adjust amount against order no CO2102211367 and send the products in order no CO2102211367 on urgent basis by DHL. Please let me know difference amount that needs to be paid.
I sent you twice request for VCDS registration.
Are you able check your e-mail box and resend me right licenses?
Thank you in advance
hi, you can send the file to us by email.
Can you please urgently send me the download link for this software so I can download it so long and you can log in to install?
Item No. COBD25168 what is the difference between KTAG KESS KTM Dimsport LED BDM probe adapters Complete set 22 sets (Denso, Marelli, Bosch, Siemens)
Item No. COBD25413 and Complete KTAG KESS KTM Dimsport BDM Probe Adapter Kit (Denso, Marelli, Bosch, Siemens)
Item No. COBD2687 ?
And do you really have this product in stock?
Thanks for the reply John
Can you write me an email so I can send pictures of my interface, it doesn't work.
waht her including? ECM Titanium also?
I have a question, do you have a VAG OBD Helper? can you send immediately I need 1 pc.
I am asking for an answer.
Regards Poll
Yes,you can place an order on our website Mall,and we will ship it in seven days.
can you please help me with that
thanks in advance
sorry for the delay reply. we just got back from the Chinese Spring Festival, we will deal with your order soon.
What is the static of my order?
why was my order cancelled.
hi, because the item COBD21968 is out of stock.
will you get some more. Or is it no longer available.
hi, this item has stopped production, it will be no longer available. but you can choose the other items,
this one is also very good for nissian diagnostic.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
1). New Design CDP DS150 2017R1 Version for Car and Truck Diagnostic Tool With Bluetooth
Item No. NDS01
2). KTM BENCH V1.20 ECU Programmer for BOOT and Bench Read and Write
Item No. COBD25470
Color/Style: with Dongle
where could i download this software?
thank you,
The correct address is:
888 Belmont Way
Pinole, California, United States
E4403: Severe error: Reading VIN from device or controller failed
The vehicle is a 2007 Saab 9-3 Aero 6mt
unzip pass
tank you
vcds 1,22,1
v2 VIIPlusLoader-08.021.01-FR-Installer unzip pass
tank you
hi, there has been tracking information updated. You can track it again.
"CRC error: The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Toyota Diagnostics\Techstream\EU\Help\techstream_es.chm doesn't match the file in the setup's cab. file"
I also get a similar error with the "\NA\Help\tech99d5.rra" file.
I have tried to install on Windows 10 and also Windows 7 (64 bit).
Please help to resolve this issue.
hi, you need disable the secure boot of win10 first, get the full administrator rights.
if you have problems on the installation on win10, please install it on win7.
Hi, thanks you for your response.
I should have said in my original mail, that I did install the Techstream software in Administrator mode.
On Windows 7 (64 bit), I did try what you suggested and it made no real difference to the ability to install all the files. Just this time it complained about different files.My conclusion is that the the Techstream software is corrupted on the CDE that you supplied.
So I downloaded a copy of the Techstream Ver 13.00.022 from another source and that installed OK.
I've used the "TS_loader" shortcut and that executes Techstream OK.
The "MVCI Driver for TOYOTA" on your CD also won't install, but extracting the files from the Windows Installer and installing it manually and adding the drivers works OK.
The XHorse "FirmwareUpdate Tool" > Device Info, works OK and shows Model: MVCI-T, Firmware: 2.0.4
BUT with the cable connected to the laptop ad the car, with the car ignition turned on, when Techstream tries to "Connect to Vehicle", it fails "Unable to connect to VIM". Within Techstream, the Setup > VIM Select, only shows "TIS Techstream VIM", is this OK, or should it be showing the XHorse option?
Please can you advise how to proceed?
Many thanks
I ve just become a member on ChinaOBD2 webpage. I wanted to set my password but it does not work, if you please could assist would be really appreciated. Thanks
Kind regards
your password is 1Lepopel
Hi, the download link is
unzip password:
Hi, I need to download the VCDS software again. the previous link is not working.
Thank you
vcds 20.42
Hi, I need to get a copy of the software again, thank you
I wrote with a guy from you serveral times regarding installing and registering VCDS, but it's not possible.
I need a solution what to do with this package and what's about getting my money back?
I explained my situation very well via several e mails and messages on whats app and it was not possible to get a solution.
So please give me a short feedback if I can send you the package back to get my paid money back from you.
Thanks and regards
hi, from the message, you success to install the software on one of your computer, and be able to use it. the product is no problem.
if you need to use it on win10, you need disable the secure boot of win10, and disable windows defence, anti virus software.
after you disable the secure boot of win10, and disable windows defence, anti virus software, you can send a request file to us, regiester the cable again.
it is the best to install it on win7 . it will be more easy.
Can you provide DVD or download?
plus many email to Appolo Tan to make it work
i follow all thing who told me all the way to do it and i tried that toll on 2 cars Toyota Rav4 2006 didn't work
Yaris 2011 didn't work i'm not a beginning guy on car and on PC
i work 20 year on pc informatic and many year too on car
but i'm very disapointed on that machine i paid 685$ CAD
is like i put my money on garbage i cannot do nothing with this machine .
And before i buy i asked information if that machine do the yaris 2007 and up and he told me yes and sended me the list .But in the list of Yaris the list start only at 2010 and after i have 2012-13-14-and 15.
and what is the authorized license nobody tell me about it
and where is that license ?????
i work only on Toyota but that machine didn't give me sastisfaction and if doesn't work for i better send you back for a refund cause why spend that money if itdoesn't work .
So find a solution or send me a RMA
please look at the product details carefully,
Autek IKey820 Support G and H Chip all key lost and FORD to year 2018+, please pay license
Autek IKey820 Support GM, Grand Cheokee and Dodge Durango to year 2017+, please pay license
only these two need the 18 digit licese, the other cars and functions don't need to buy the 18digit license.
and I have contacted the factory, they said there are lots of videos on youtube, you can try to learn to how to use it,
after use the update tool to activate get the tokens , you will be able to program most of keys.
Could you recommend me another similar, Please
I wonder if it includes the parhfinder software?Or How reliable is the device?
Thank you.
Best regards : Bálint Panyi
Here is my phone numer:
Greetings - Sebastian
you need install the software on xp system. it can not works on other system.
hi, VAG204 is the updated version of VAG182-B, please follow the instruction to do.
look at the instructions in the CD.
We ordered 2 items on 7/2/21 and they have not arrived. We don't have access anymore to the email address that was used only thing I have is Paypal transaction number 763448137v9723237 can you help ?
Mark Francis
I did not receive your device on order CO2011181076. What to do?
Thanks in advance!
hi, thanks for let us know, the package of your order has been shipped out.
I will contact the post office at tomorrow. once get any news about the package, I will let you know.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
I cannot join iProg+ device to computer. When I up USB, I received message of it cannot recognize device. So how can I solve that problem.
And the other thing, I bought iProg+V84.rar. When I extract it, checksum error in the encrypted file iProg\.... is dropped.
Please massage for me.
hi, you need install the driver first.
look at the vido in this link, follow the video to do.
note, the best system for iprog is win7.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
i bought the GM MDI2 from you couple months ago, and just today i try to hock it up
firstly i downlead and install GM software (v8.5.33.78) from bosch, then i open MDI manager, but unfortunately it doesn't recognize the MDI2?
can you advice where the problem?
i can send screen shot if its allowed
I just checked your order histrory, I havenot found the order for GM MDI2,
I think you should install the driver of GM MDI2, you can buy the HDD with GM MDI2 software from us, all the software has been instsalled.
it will be more easy to use.
Am I interested in using this tool to rewrite the ABS eeprom unit?
Car: Renault Scenic 3
Best Regards!
hi, you can buy
today i've made an order with the Number CO2110180785.
But why I cannot see in my membership Login no overview for the order I've made?
Thanks for helping
hi, your order is at
please login at
I will pay you to help me.
Hi, you can place an order for the installation on our site,
now the latest version scania sdp3 is 2.48.1
after complete the payment , please send the todesk id and password ot us.
you can click this link to download todesk.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
hi, this item is out of stock, we need to wait the factory to send it to us, please wait several days.
Why does it still list as items in stock on web page.
Why no back order notification.
These would be nice to know as it ripples into my jobs.
You should REFUND and cancel as not meeting in stock as listed.
Again cancel my order and refund.
You failed in identifying a back order and listed item in stock. I purchased with that understanding not purchased expecting out of stock delays.
REFUND my money.
I am looking to get latest software for the tools from the above order. Some of these tools say unable to carry out adaptions needs to be licensed tool when using V20.3 software direct from rosstech website. Can you arrange for firmware to go to on google drive please. Also will this resolve this issue please.
Many thanks John
I've received my order now but i don't seem to be able to communicate with the car properly. The CIM I-Bus response test is successful but the CIM P-Bus response test fails.
Is there anything i should try? Or is this adapter faulty?
Why was another $4.25 "handling fee" added to my order without my knowledge? I'm already paying $26 for shipping & handling, the two are always in one charge. My invoice on here says $85.00, while my paypal was billed for 89.25. You just slapped on a 4.25 fee without so much as asking or telling me? I had to find out on my statement. Very deceptive practice! I will be contacting paypal about this
hi, friend, the price on our site, don't inlucde paypal handling fee, if you donot want to pay the paypal handling fee, you can choose bank transfer or wester union.
Hi, you can download the software of svciing from this link:
Hi the link you sent does not allow me to download the android version of the software for SVCI ING Nissan
hi, you need download and install the software on your computer, it need windows 7 or win10.
it is the best to install it on win7.
transaction number- 7HF247545V359124B
I want to track my purchase.
your order tracking is broke, it won't accept my Email.
hi, please tell us your phone number for shipping reference. I have sent you seveal emails, but havenot got any reply.
Yesterday I was buy this item - CO2212317646, can you check it and write me when it's will be shipped?
Transaction ID: 68H569563F0679209
hi, we will ship the package out today.
the tracking number of the package is SF1443851842549 , it will be deliveried at tomorrow morning.
i received the piwis 1 odb cable but there is no cd in the package which contain the software.
can you provide me a download link to the software?
best regards,
hi, we have shipped the package out today. you will receive the package soon
I ordered this item over a month ago and have note received it, I can not wait any longer to complete the work on this vehicle. I am requesting a full refund to the original payment method at this time.
hi, from the tracking information, the package has been deliveried. you can contact usps, your local post office.
the tracking number of usps is : 420334709214490270334925121145
check your post box. the package was deliveried at your post box.
Order CO23092711303
My phone number
+45 31724972
When I try to enter my order number it doesn't work to let me download.
My order number is CO2009150919
CO23102411379 , hi, you need enter this serial number.
Can you suggest something?
I bought a UCDS interface from you. Today I received the parcel and I have a problem with the disc, I can't read it.
Order number CO23112511470
and hardware registration no response. I follow instructions and nothing no reply.
This box is useless to me. I can't do anything!
hi, please tell me the register code to us, we will send you the activation code.
it is ok now. I have add your phone number
Can you provide me with the software key?
I went to PCM tuner but they are not answering.
Without the software key I cannot use it and need to return.
I can check in on your site to leave my number.
The email is not listet.
How can i do this?
My number for the Order ID CO2309251077
Is +49531/5906441
Thank you
Please ship to New Address : ( Mr.PHACHOK JANPETCH )
i added Address Books
My tlf. nr. +45 31724972
Name: Onome Akpobome
Type of Equipment: PCM Tuner (Magic car tool)
S/N: 202204010471
Thank you.
A big thank you to Apollo Tan and the entire support obd team, my PCM tuner box has been activated and is fully functional. Your support is greatly appreciated
I installed a vcds and my computer was infected with ransomware which blocked all my files.
I want buy a vcds interface, but the shipping cost are to high. Can you help me?
Thank you
donot worry, we will send you the download link.
this is the download link of 32 in 1.
ok,do you have diagrams for connection ecu in boot and bench mode ??
The problem is that the cable is recognized on the computer, but if I want to do something on the car, the system says that my interface is not identified, so the cable is not useful to me, and I cannot make any changes to my Golf 5.
Offer feedback
Kind regards
Williams Asenjo
hi, what kind of obd cable do you have, friend? please send a photo to us.
i can't use the cable yes when i do the software shows me that the cable has no current licenses.
the software recognizes the cable but when i connect it to the car it shows that i need a licensed cable and therefore cannot make any changes to the car
ask for help if you can't help me i will send the cable back to you.
Kind regards
williams asenjo
hi, you should no install the viipluslodaer to update the firmware ,
before the installation you need disable the secure boot of your computer system, disable the anti virus software.
the software download link is:
download this software. there are installation video in the file. follow the video to do.
OK, thanks for the payment, I will deal with your payment soon.
I am trying to install VCDS 20.4.2 in English that came with my new cable but I just get an error that says "Installer integrity check has failed".
It will install the Dutch version but this is no good to me I need the English version.
Please can you help me with this?
Kind regards
HI, the cable support both Dutch and English. you can choose to install English Version.
there are instructions in the CD, please follow the instructions to do.
Any questions, welcome to contact us.
i very need urgently!!!! Thanks for all ;)
I have discussed about this problem for some time now, and your reply has been "Use windows xp"
Finally I got myself an old pc with xp and still it doesn't work.
It doesn't recognize the cable. Software is the one you gave link to me.
Driver is installed before connecting to car.
Please advise.
I can send pictures if you wish.
VIIPlusLoader-08.021.02- FR-Installer.
je vous en remercie d'avance.
Download link:
hi, the password is
My Porsche Piwis dont work anymore. I buy this PC last year from you. For now i get This trouble codes
"license of the vci is expired Please update the vci"
So please help me , what is to do ??
Best Regards
let me check that, please wait.
hi, the password is
Just checked where my parcel is and it says returned to sender.
Can you please let me know why?
And also when will I receive it?
I'm waiting for the interface for my tests.
Thanks and regards, Msmax
hi, we have reshipped a new packge to you.
the package has been reshipped. you will recieve the package soon.
everything is fine.
you should be wrong used it. You were pushing so hard that it breaks, if it is broken, we can not provide replace service.
Please, can you sell me another item at the same price (29.00 Dollars).
Please reply.
Could you please confirm if the order been sent.
VIIPlusLoader-08.021.02- FR-Installer.
je vous en remercie d'avance.
Just to let you know my order arrived today and I have tested it and it is fully working. Thank you v. much
i bought years ago an HEX-V2 adapter from you.
USB Interface for VCDS
I lost the software and would need some support.
Downloaded the 20.4 version from you website, but it is password protected.
Can i pleas have the password for the software.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Dmitry Kurochkin
Im interested in your tools.
We got these cars:
-mini cabrio 2009
-audi tt 2005
-chrysler aspen 2008
-jeep renegade 2019
Im looking for a tool for:
-diagnostic, faults
-actuating (exp. some solenoid, cylinder deactivation magnet, ....)
-coding ecu (exp. Daytime running lights, country code...)
-Which of your tools can this?
-is the tool still usable after the updaten time?
-max 1000dollar
Thanks, Rico
hi, please tell us your correct shipping address
Address : In der Distelkuhle 7a
45359 Essen, Germany
I have tried the adapter, and if not connected to the car, vcds finds it, no issue.
As soon as I connect it to the car however, vcds says: "Interface Not Found".
The adapter lights up green when connected to the car, so it appears to be working.
I have tried two different cars, same issue.
I have tried ross-tech english latest, and latest swedish variant (one older version), same issue.
Can you send me a replacement?
hi, did you install the vcdsloader correctly? every time you need click to run the vcdsloader first, then click start vcds from the loader.
there are intructions and the latest version software in the link. follow the instructions to do.
we have sent you the software download link , I think that you should not read the emails.
Hello again.
I have now installed it as per the instructions on a fresh win7.
VCDS English, 20.4.
Starting vcds-loader (1,20), with the device-driver installed, cable connected to the car, pressing 'Device Details' gives the error: 'Obtain the device data exception. ID Code: 00000003'.
Not sure what to do here, any suggestions?
I also tried the 'register-flow' in your video, but I don't have the register-file.
I suppose you provide this?
Hello again?
I still need directions of how to get the register-file that you show that you can provide in your video?
Hello again.
Are you going to answer my questions?
Hi, I have told you, send the license file to us by email,
Trying the adapter today, starting using VCDS-loader, I can read the car-info, but when I try to do 'basic settings' on my brakes, it says:
"Error, you need a licenced interface'
What is wrong?
I have buy this equipment 14.3.2022 and now it is not working. Only red light is on.
I that any warranty?
Br. Kimmo Vähätiitto, Finland
hi, what happens on the cable? with in 7days, we can free change a new one for you, after 7days, you can send it back to us to repair, but need pay the repair cost and shipping cost.
if you need repair it, we will send you the return shipping address.
Hi ! It works many time ok, but when i put it in car the led do not change red to green.
What this seven days mean? should i sent it to you with post or how it works?
I know if i sent it to China it takes about two or three weeks .
loader crash contact chinaobd2@protonmail
can you help please?
Is this interface modified new layout to work on SAAB 9-3 I have read in forum threds that this cabel has to med modified to work but his was 2-3 year ago?
Last couple of months I bought vcds cable hexvag2 came with cd when ever I try to install the software a box popping in stating the vcds outdated. Please help.
And also i have few more claims to you.
Connect with me via e-mail ( ASAP or i have no choice to declare fraud from you and cancel my ordr through the bank.
Thank you!
I've been a victim for the last seven years with your products among other companies that are like you. Here's the similarities! I've purchased at least 20 phones in this time frame as well. I actually was beginning to believe I was going crazy. My boyfriend as crushed anything good with these products. I know it's all about money . I've seen deceased people having their identity stolen and I'm one of them . It is so VIOLATING for me I cry. I know there's nothing I can do at the moment but with a lil more investigation I'll know and I'm hopes your company will be sued among many more. Have a Blessed day.
Thanks for your order on
please download and install todesk on your computer, then send todesk id and password for the installation of scania sdp3.
Waiting for your reply.
Best regards,
Apollo Tan
it is in Germany 0049 2520 244
best regards
birgit ehrens
I received a unit which doesn't work. When connecting it to the odb port of Mercedes A nothing happens.
Need advise.
Thank you!
It took some time to try again using the instruvtions I got from you.
The situation is the same. Nothing happens when I connect the module to the odb connection. No "Diag", no restart. Nothing.
The car is Mercedes-Benz A Sedan model 2020.
Please advise again. Thank you!
-Juhani Valkonen-
Newest Activation Tool for Mercedes/Benz NTG5 S1 NTG5S1 Support Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
1. Activate by OBD2 Plug and Play, Easy to use.
2. Connect mobile phone with car only via cable.
3. Support Apple Carplay and Androidauto.(Android auto only support car firmware version from 2016.9)
4. Original Protocol Communication , not effect dealer warranty.
5. For Mercedes NTG5.1 via OBD2
Plug & Play! Just need insert to obd port than active 1 minute to work!
Unlimited use!
Compatible models(COMAND NTG5s1):
A-Class W176 Date of manufacture from 01.2016 to 12.2017
B-Class W246 Date of manufacture from 01.2016 to 12.2017
E-Class W213 Date of manufacturefrom 01.2016 to 12.2017
CLA-Class W117 Date of manufacture from 01.2016 to 12.2017
GLA-Class W156 Date of manufacture from 01.2016 to 12.2017
GLE-Class W166 Date of manufacture 01.2016 to 12.2017
GLE Coupe W292 Date of manufacture 01.2016 to 12.2017
GLE-Class X166 Date of manufacture 01.2016 to 12.2017
CLS-Class W218 Date of manufacture 01.2016 to 12.2017
the item may not work for 2020 cars.
Ok, thank you! I wasn't aware of latest date on purchase time. That explains why it doesn't work. :)
Can you merge my 2 account please. These 2 account is on email ""
Thanks in advance
Please confirm that your CAT ET OBD2=PIN9 adapter has correct pinout for CAT offroad machine. On one picture, PINA should be + and PIN B should be -.
I need to make sure before connecting to vehicle.
Waiting for your reply.
hi, it donot need shipping, click this link , enter your order serial number CO2209062754 ,to download the software.
Email is not recognized.
The Order Number ist CO2301190958.
hi, CO2301190958 , this order is at the germany site,
the package has been shipped out today, you will receive th package soon.
it shows in vx manager and driver ok ,tried on several laptops still same.
please advise as i have not used this device yet.a friend confirmed faulty also
what's the system of your computer? please send a video, how did you install it,
you can follow this video to do.
tried on windows 7,windows 8 and windows 10 a mix of 32 &64bit.
had interface tested on bench by expert,bench 14v going in the interface only recognise between 10-11v .
we tried to increase voltage to 14.4 on bench but interface still stays below 12v in odis service & engineering.
thus a warning comes up saying low voltage on software and no comms .we do think this unit is faulty and not worked from day 1,if you can give me information regarding a voltage fix im happy todo so,
please advise
My Phone Number is 017680093262
I have a launch tech usa inteligenge 9.25
I wantto make update software and subscription for online coding and programming
serial number 985193620100
contact me email
The SDD works in the laptop but cannot activate ISTA +
It asks for a license.
in the tools folder there is a folder ISTAP key
tried to copy all but does not work
donot copy the files, it can not be cloned. the software are Encrypted
what do you mean?
When i installed this hard drive it would not work in the laptop after trying multiple times.
then i installed the drive in another laptop to see if it boots on that one.
it booted on the second laptop.
So i tried to get it working on the fiirst laptop again and after trying things it worked.
after the boot i tried ISTA+ because this is why i bought this.
when opening ista+ it gives the message:
Unfortunately your local copy is not activated yet or has expired. It's necessary to activate your local installation via an authenticated license. Please follow the steps in the next dialogs.
after this message he gives this key:
then in the tools folder i tried to copy some of the keys but these do not work.
what to do now?
I would like to know what to do now?
if this software is useless i would like to return it because it is alot of money.
Can this still be solved?
if there is no responce to solve this problem i have a useless product.
There is no option left for me to file a despute with paypal to get my money back.
I need registration for VCDS loader
you can send the file to us by email
used it once and now saying unable to update license with internet connected
this is the driver, you need install the vxdiag manger first.
can confirm that device has no comms with car,tried on 3 laptops ,shows up on vxmanager ok,driver ok,could i return item please i have not used it yet thanks
hi, one order we can only provide 1 time installation service, but if you install it by yourself, if there are any problems, you can enquiry us.
what password do you want?
I've brought an VCDS adapter here which is able for updating.
I install version 20.4 and now want to have version 22.1 from the officiell site.
I try my best but in the new version the adapter won't be accepted.
Could you tell me the right steps from first installation untill close up the updating version.
Thank you.
I have received my adapter today. I have installed the VCDS 22.10 and the VPlus Loader After I press the start Button , the Device start the update. Than I get the message wrong update. Now I get the message Device not readable Code 0x00000107
hi, what's the system of your computer?if it is win10 or win11, disable the secure toot of system, and windows defence, and anti virus software.
install the softwares as administrator.
there is a video in the cd or download file, follow the video to do.
HEX-V2 Link:
I need customer service for the NewChip Scanner I have...please email me or call. 714/293-8180
I just got my Adapter and startet VIIPlusLoader
It said the Adapter would need an update. This update went wrong twice and during the 3rd attempt it send illegal device it got blocked.
What now?
did you follow the instruction to install the software? donot update it directly, you can download the latest version vcds, then use the viiplusloader to start the software.
or just use the software in the cd. donot update it, waiting the factory publish new loader for the latest version vcds.
I just got my Adapter and startet VIIPlusLoader
It said the Adapter would need an update. This update went wrong twice and during the 3rd attempt it said illegal device and it got blocked.
What now?
hi, you can update it to the latest version. or reinstall the software.
donot directly upate it. you can ignore the update, or update to the latest version.
this is the latest version software, currently is the latest version, donot update it now. waiting our engineer will publish new loader.
i can´t activate/register my VCDS DRV 20.4.
Please send my my activate license.
all installation on windows 7,windows 8 and windows 10 a mix of 32 &64bit.
had interface tested on bench by expert,bench 14v going in the interface only recognise between 10-11v .
we tried to increase voltage to 14.4 on bench but interface still stays below 12v in odis service & engineering.
thus a warning comes up saying low voltage on software and no comms .we do think this unit is faulty and not worked from day 1,if you can give me information regarding a voltage fix im happy todo so,
please advise
VAS6154 V7.11 :
you can try this software.
software ok,when i use my j2534 sm pro voltage says 14v with charger but with 6154 it says 11volts and odis does not work under 12 volts.
i cannot get adapter above 12 volts so odis not working
So here is the recip from paypal about that product. I want to have it and so I ask before I ask Paypal to reset my payment to you.
So pleace let me konow if you have sent it to me!
Maksettu maksutavalla
Nordea Credit
(Luottokortti: MasterCard x-9275)
Kortin tiliotteessa näkyy merkintä PAYPAL *TANYONG.
103,39 EUR
Arto Hynynen
Piitunpolku 9
Tapahtuman tunniste
Myyjän tiedot
Oston tiedot
Volvo 2014D VIDA
Tuote COBD25072
65,99 EUR
Toimituskulut32,48 EUR
Käsittelykulut4,92 EUR
Yhteensä103,39 EUR
In January this year, I ordered a VAG22.10 cable from you, SN:989510062539 which arrived on 24 January. I received a link from you where I had to download the software. I installed the software as instructed, did the requested test, and got this message:
Port Status: OK,
USB Library Version: 03.02.07,
USB Driver Version: 02.10.00,
Interface: Found!,
Type: Ross-Tech HEX-USB,
Status: Not plugged into Car!
Then I plug it into the car and turn on the ignition, and this message appears
Port Status: OK,
USB Library Version: 03.02.07,
USB Driver Version: 02.10.00,
Interface: Not Found!
What could be the problem? Can you give me some advice? My car is an Audi A6 C6, 2005.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Specifically, I ordered a V21.3 VCDS VAG COM Diagnostic Cable HEX USB Interface for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, but you sent me a VAG22.10 cable. But I think that the 22.10 is a newer and better version of the cable.
Windows 7 OS on the laptop
Dear ChinaOBD2,
I look forward to your reply as soon as possible.
Best regards
hi, what car did you diagnostic?
Dear Staff,
AUDI A6 C6 (4F) 2.4, 130kW, model year 2005.
Best regards.
Dear Staff,
any news?
Best regards.
Hello Guys,
no new info about my request yet?
I've lost my user manual for my old trusty u380. I want to check some data on my new car with it, but I cannot remember some abreviations meaning in the menu. Could you provide me a PDF of the user manual for this wonderful tool ? It would be very kind of you ! Thanks by advance !
M. Enjelibert
I'm currently still having the problem that I can't reset the maintenance on any vehicle with the diagnostic software. Is there a solution or another software version for this?
I can't use the software for my tasks like this and need a solution to the problem.
Ask for quick response.
Best regards
2.51.3 is the stable version, you can try it.
Ok, can you install the version for me or maybe a 2.52 version, I actually bought version 2.53.5. I also need an invoice, can you please send it to me.
I would like to ask you to solve my problem again.
the 2.52 is not stable, we donot keep it, 2.51.3 is the stable version
then please install the stable version 2.51.3 for me via remote maintenance.
Please tell me the date for the installation.
Also, I still don't have the bill. I ask for delivery.
please send todesk id and password
Here is the ID and password:
Can you please send me the invoice then?
Here is the aktuelle ID and password:
Can you please send me the invoice then?
did you reinstall the software?
hi, what app did you want to use? the easydiag 3.0 works with xdiag pro, before shipping out, we have tested it.
please use xdiag pro , donot use the other app.
976991006570 , it is not in the black list of xdiag pro, before shipping, we have created the demo test account of xdiag.
thank you, we received the product but want to use it.
It ask for activation, can you assist us how to proceed?
Thank you and kind regards
hi, there is intruction, manual in the package, follow the manual to do.
Would you have a device suitable to clone a key for a renault master van from year 2002 ?
Gilbert Auffret
I have bought HEX-V2 from your company. I have tried to download the software from: but this doesn't accept my Order S/N...... (CO23073111166) Please give me a solution so I can use the software and cable. I need it urgently for a car.
i'm trying to update the loader to the latest version but it wont accept my S/N
hi, the download is only avaiable for the order who pay for the vip update service.
you can download the software from this link.
When I brought the software it said life time updates. Will that bottom link allow me to update VCDS to the current version?
I've tried to get the latest VIIPLUSLoader from
but my order S/N: CO2112232092 doesn't work here. Can you help me?
¿cual es el error? cual es la solucion?
gracias de antemano
Please give me the latest loader that is not corrupt.
hi, the loader on our site is the latest version.
note: before you download or use the software, disable the secure boot , windows defence and anti virus software.
it is very important.
install the software as administrator rights.
yes, if no renew, you can still use it, just can not update it.
I have ordered SDP3 2.54.2 and Scania Multi Spare Catalogue
Can you please get in touch to arrange installation on my computer
You can phone 00353876140206 or 00353874630203 or email
Thank you
C:\Users\jose\Downloads\Volvo Fault Codes DTC.pdf loader crash contact HAS CAUSED A PROBLEM!
gracias por su ayuda
Port Status: OK
USB Library Version 03.02.07
USB Driver Version 02.10.00
Interface Found!
Type Ross-Tech HEX-USB
Status: Not plugged into Car!
Can you help with the installation?
the phone number for order reference is - +4523201758
best regards
i need a registered file for VCDS 20.4. How can i send you the registration file generated by the VCDS-Loader?
Kind regards
I've bought with order number: CO2205120876 a diagnostik cable with VCDS from you and need a registration file.
Please give me an email address to which I can send the file for registration.
Thank you
What is the hard drive for?
hi, there are software of xentry in the hard driver. replace the hard drive into a computer, start it,
you will be able to see the softwares.
your message for me, about my mobile number
This Is my call number
015147090643 ( Germany Handy )
Thanks for your order on ChinaOBD2 .
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Waiting for your prompt reply. So that we can ship the package out on
Best Regards,
OBD2 Diagnostic Tool
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Mr. Marian Catalin Molnar
Väpnaregatan 53 lgh 1203
Linköping, Osterogotland, Sweden
586 49
Phone: +46720049794
Please enter the delivery address Serial#2 that is correct
Best regards
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Hallo. jeg har idag modtaget 1 vci3 ordre No. CO24010111564 og den fungerer ikke den er helt død. jeg har købt cs 20 stk forskellige steder og heraf nogle af jer og dette er den første som der er problemer med jeg har afprøvet den på flere pc og samme problem er ingen forbindelse til vci3 så har jeg andre vci3 og de fungerer fint.
Håber at Høre fra dem.
Venlig hilsen
Chris Hansen
Tlf +45 31724972.
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