Yanhua 35XX programmer
Yanhua YH35XX Programmer + Simulator. No risk. No red dot on odometer.Support models: F chassis odometer with 35128WT and 35160WT EEPROM.
Yanhua YH35XX Programmer + Simulator for 35128WT 35160WT Read and Write No Risk and No Red Dot on Odometer is a one of our Yanhua 35XX programmer Tools, you can buy Yanhua YH35XX Programmer + Simulator for 35128WT 35160WT Read and Write No Risk and No Red Dot on Odometer from chinaobd2.com.
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images of Yanhua YH35XX Programmer + Simulator for 35128WT 35160WT Read and Write No Risk and No Red Dot on Odometer

Yanhua YH35XX Programmer + Simulator for 35128WT 35160WT Read and Write
Notice: There is 1pc of simulator in default package, when you use it up, will need more simulators.
Please buy Simulator for Yanhua YH35XX to work together.Features:Independent programmer with software;
Software can be run directly when the programmer is connected to PC;
Simulator replaces the original 35160WT/35128WT EEPROM;
Easy to use;
No risk;
No red dot on odometer;
Models covered:F classis odometer with 35128WT and 35160WT EEPROM
G classis VDO odometer
Package includes:1pc x YH35XX Programmer
1pc x Simulator
Go to Buy: Yanhua YH35XX Programmer + Simulator for 35128WT 35160WT Read and Write No Risk and No Red Dot on Odometer