Autel MaxiLink
Autel MaxiLink ML619 is the perfect tool for detecting faults on vehicle Anti-Lock Brake (ABS) and Supplemental Restraint System (SRS)/Airbag systems, in addition to performing OBD II diagnostics. Both visual and audible cues enhance the tools ability to aid in quick fault discovery, while on-screen troubleshooting tips speed repairs.
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images of Autel MaxiLink ML619 CAN OBD2 Scanner ABS SRS AirBag Auto Diagnostic Scan Tool

Multilanguage: English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Italian
( Please tell us about your S/N of machine to activate the language you need after you get it. Thanks~)
■ Introduction
The MaxiLink ML619 is the perfect tool for detecting faults on vehicle Anti-Lock Brake (
ABS) and Supplemental Restraint System (
SRS)/Airbag systems, in addition to performing
OBDII diagnostics. Both visual and audible cues enhance the tools ability to aid in quick fault discovery, while on-screen troubleshooting tips speed repairs.
■ Functions
1. Full OBD2 Functions for all OBD2 compliant cars.
Retrieves generic (P0, P2, P3 and U0), manufacturer specific (P1, P3 and U1) and pending codes
Retrieves vehicle identification information (VIN, CALID and CVN)
Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL) and ABS/SRS warning lights, clears codes and resets monitors
Graphs data
Reads, stores and plays back live
PCM data stream and live sensor data
Troubleshooter code tips guide technicians to the root cause of trouble codes faster, saving diagnosis and repair time
Multilingual (including English, Spanish and French) menus and DTC definitions
TF memory card for data backup and software update
Internet Updatable
Prints data via Windows-based PC
2. Diagnose ABS and Airbag System. (Please contact if this function supports your car.)
ABS -“Anti-lock Braking System” in most vehicles is made up of an electronic hydraulic pump of two, three or most commonly four Wheel Speed Sensors (WSS), a G-force sensor, a Vehicle Speed Sensor and an ABS Control Module (EBCM). The EBCM is constantly monitoring the WSS, the Vehicle Speed Sensor, and the G-sensor.
Diagnosing an ABS problem should always start with a visual inspection of all brake components, then you will need to retrieve ABS DTCs to tell you where the problem is.
SRS - “Supplemental Restraint System” is made up of Impact Sensors, a Control Module, and Airbags. When the impact sensors detect a collision they send an extremely fast signal to the control module, which relays that signal to the airbags, deploying them to help prevent vehicle occupants from hitting interior objects such as steering wheels, dashboards, and the like. When the control module detects a problem with the airbags or sensors the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) will turn on.
The ABS/SRS diagnostic function is used to retrieve and clear codes from the vehicle’s ABS/SRS systems. It also provides the definition of each code to help diagnose problem areas within the systems that may cause the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) to turn on.
■ Features
1. Compatible with domestic, Asian and European vehicles, 1996 and newer
2. Diagnose ABS/SRS systems
3. Retrieves generic (P0, P2, P3 and U0), manufacturer-specific (P1, P3 and U1) and pending codes
4. Retrieves vehicle identification information (VIN, CALID and CVN)
5. Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL) and ABS/SRS warning lights, clears codes and resets monitors Graphs data
6. Reads, stores and plays back live PCM data stream and live sensor data
7. Troubleshooter code tips guide technicians to the root cause of trouble codes faster, saving diagnosis and repair time
8. Multilingual (including English, Spanish and French) menus and DTC definitions.
9. TF memory card for data backup and software update
10. Internet Updatable
11. Prints data via Windows PC
■ Update
Lifetime Free Update Online
■ Warranty
One Year Warranty
■ Packing List
1pc x Auto Link ML619
1pc x User manual
1pc x CD
1pc x USB cable
1pc x OBDII Cable
1pc x Protective Nylon Case
1pc x TF card
1pc x 3.7V Li-ion battery
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